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ATE rotor and pad install now clunk?


Active Member
November 24, 2006
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'06 4x2 eb
hi all,

just put ATE slotted rotors and ATE ceramic pads on the rear of my '03. the initial test drive i didn't hear any thing however maybe i wasn't hard on the stops. next drive was today to the dealership for alignment. once picked up there is a noticable clunk when braking down their driveway. sounds like it's only from one side, not both. it's as if the slot is hitting pad when coming around. anyone have this or know something before i dig in?


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i have a 04 just bought it 2 1/2 months ago and mine does the same thing..i think the dealer replaced the rear pads

Waiting for these to get eaten up so then i can get some drilled and slotted:D

i had an audible clicking noise when i installed my new rotors on the rear... i think what it was, was the boot on the inside for the parking brake... i had it worked on where i worked (winner's circle car care at the time)... they took the rear rotor off and buffed the rust off the inside boot with a wire brush on a drill... seemed to get rid of the clunk.. u may want to have that done... get all the rust removed and see if that gets it out

i would say they screwed something up when aligning it....

Yup i installed those on my wifes 2000 Malibu with some thermo quite pads and low and behold a nice clunking sound 3 months later.

bel4 20, so you've installed both the ATE pad and ATE rotor with the slots?

and just a follow up, i put on the old rotors (OEM) and the clunk is not there. i'll be putting back the ATE rotors shortly and see.

i'm also reading on tireracks site about bedding in these things. maybe i'm missing something.

bel4 20, so you've installed both the ATE pad and ATE rotor with the slots?

Just the rotors with the slots, Wagner Thermo quite pads (ceramic).

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