AWD Explorer selector switch??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AWD Explorer selector switch???

Josh C.

Elite Explorer
August 28, 2011
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Live in: Santa Ana, CA - - - From: Oshawa, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Mounty v8 AWD
Hey everyone. I've been looking on CL at new Explorers (v8 AWD second gens). I know you dont have a choice of 4x4 to 2wd on the AWD model, its AWD all the time. But in a few pictures I've seen of peoples radio bezel it looks to be a selector switch like the v6 true 4x4 explorers? None of the pictures are ever clear enough to read what is written on the switch. What is the selector switch for?

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It very well could be a replacement bezel for one which was broken during a stereo theft. The "blank" bezels are sort of hard to find.

Maybe if you asked the craigslist poster about his pictures?

It is probably the air ride switch you are seeing. It is in the same location
as the 4wd selector. It should say OFF ROAD and NORMAL RIDE.

Thats probably what it is because the switch looks like it has two choices. So the air ride/off road was an option on some of the v8 awd explorers?

"Limited" ones, but I think just in '97 models.

The one I'm looking at is a 98 EB. I've got a call into the seller so I'll ask them about it

Side note: I think that the '97 had air shocks both on front and rear. but '98 has them only on rear.

Yes, Limited and EB's had the switch. Cannot confirm if '98 had front
and rear or rear only as mine is a '97 EB and had both front and rear
air shocks when I got it.

My 98 Limited has the air shocks, front and back. The OFF ROAD position of the switch raises the ride by about 1" and also originally stiffened the shocks. I said "originally", because replacement shocks that have been sold for a long time (including Motorcraft-branded) do not have the stiffening valve. The up-down function still works because it only depends on the height sensor, and does not need any electronics inside the air shock absorbers.

Yes, Limited and EB's had the switch. Cannot confirm if '98 had front and rear or rear only as mine is a '97 EB and had both front and rear air shocks when I got it.
