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awd vs 4wd


March 30, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Sport

(Not sure if this is the right forum for this...)

I have a 99 sport 4wd but I'm thinking about shopping for one of those new fancy 2006 models! I'm considering awd instead of 4wd. Can anyone tell me the performance difference between the two?

I don't off road but I live in CT and travel to VT quite often in the winter. Sometimes there is LOTS of snow and other years, not so much.

I've been known to drive through as much as 6" of snow and ice to get home.


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AWD you don’t have the ability to lock the front and rear drive shafts, that gives you a 50/50 split of power to the front and rear axles you also don’t get a transfer case with a Low range gear set.

If’ you don’t go off road then there is no real need for a full 4WD.

Never driven in snow so can’t offer any Advice there.

awd usually gets worse mileage tha na 4x4 as 4x4 depending on year can be selectable

And of course you can/do use AWD all the time including dry pavement. Traction is great. It's there in snow, rain, sunny days etc. 4x4 is only for times when the tires can slip when turning because there is no slippage or differential between front and rear axles. So in rain, and dry days it's 2x4 only. Also when it's just partly icy outside like after they've plowed the snow and just left patches everywhere you still have to drive in 2x4 because the majority of the ground has to much traction. It's not fun when you have to go around a dry corner in 2x4 only to hit an ice patch.
Over the years I've driven RWD, FWD, 4x4, and AWD in the winter snow. AWD is by far the best for snow driving and general daily driving. As mentioned above if you like to do any serious off roading you'll want to look at a 4x4 case.

I can't find awd explorers on Ford's website or on carpoint - did they discontinue that? (xlt model is the only one I've looked at)

As far as I know, AWD only comes with the V-8s. Any of the V-6s will have the ControlTrac Automatic 4 wheel drive.

awd usually gets worse mileage tha na 4x4 as 4x4 depending on year can be selectable

Not true. There was no significant change in the mileage between the 95/96 models to the '97-up when they did away with the 2wd position on the selector. That was one of the reasons they did away with it (among many). In either vehicle, you're pushing the same bearings and halfshafts, it was only a matter of whether or not the front differential was live or not, and if it's well-lubricated, there's almost no resistance anyways.

But I digress......

As was mentioned above, AWD drives all four wheels at all times. For the vast majority, this is fine. The ControlTrac 4WD is basically 'Rear-Wheel-Drive-Until-the-Rear-wheels-slip' with the ability to select full-time 4wd (and low range in case you ever needed it) with the flick of the switch.

Hope that helps!


We get ice here, wet slippery stuff, and my wife and I are convinced AWD is the best way to go. I can honestly say, you have to try VERY hard to get sideways or fishtail ( having fun on the snow) . It feels very stable on slick surfaces, IMO
Plus with Amsoil in all locations, we get over 20 mpg, and if I shift to neutral to coast, well I have yet to have a car as free wheeling as this.

gijoecam said:
As far as I know, AWD only comes with the V-8s. Any of the V-6s will have the ControlTrac Automatic 4 wheel drive.

HUH. I swear the v6s used to come in AWD. My stepmother has one - I'll have to double check.

HOWEVER, that would make my decision a lot easier :)

THanks for the help everyone.

gijoecam is correct.. i dont think v6 explorers ever came with an AWD transfer case as there is no AWD tranfer case available for the v6.

dman726749 said:
my moms 02 mounty is v6 and awd ;)

the '02 is a different beast.... Are you sure it's a V-6? I thought the Mountaineers were always AWD V-8s? Any chance you could shoot me the VIN number for it? I'm curious about the difference in the build codes...


dont have vin numbers, i am not at home, but i am 100% positive its v6 sohc awd. In 02 and newer you can get any engine with either t-case. there are v8 4wd's nad v6 awd's out there now, and thats what she was talking about in the begenning of the thread, the newer explorers

dman726749 said:
dont have vin numbers, i am not at home, but i am 100% positive its v6 sohc awd. In 02 and newer you can get any engine with either t-case. there are v8 4wd's nad v6 awd's out there now, and thats what she was talking about in the begenning of the thread, the newer explorers

Gotcha.... I stand corrected and humbly apologize to the jury about to hang me. ;)

I wasn't aware of that change.... it's been a while since I set foot in the dealerships.


Oh geeze...

In all 2002+ Mounties, regardless of V6 or V8, if they were 4wd, it was a full time AWD system. No Control Trac. 2002 Explorers, V6 or V8 had the control trac. 2003 The option of Control Trac or AWD came to the explorer, regardless of engine.

Older V8s, 5.0s had AWD only, V6s had control trac only.

I have no idea about the new ones. I'd say they stick to what the '02s had. But I'm not sure.

After having a '95 with Control Trac, drivng a 4.6 quite a bit with Control Trac and my 5.0 with AWD. I'd take AWD anyday. I don't offroad at all so that doesn't matter. The AWD is soo much smoother and somewhat more predictable. The Control Trac is jerky and can be felt when it in engages. I just like the more fluid AWD. And you can't be the traction if gives you on the street!

Here's another wrench in the works that I forgot about... The '05 and '06 now have the AdvanceTrac system on some (if not all) of them... that's a whole other monster we haven't gotten into yet...

