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Photos Back from Truckhaven 2003 - Photos

Massive Spread for the Saturday Pot Luck Dinner

Brian Kennedy

Ray Hutchinson

Sunday's Group Shot

Collin "Fenderguy" and Brian "Gopher" with Paul Bredehoft's Explorer

Paul Bredehoft's Explorer Flexing

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Jefe in a tight spot

Bucking Bronco getting some airtime

Brian Kennedy's Explorer at Sunset

Here are all of John Johnstone's photos.
Dead Link Removed

Damn, Truckhaven looked great! Now I really want to get out and do some offroading of my own :D

My girlfriend and I had a great time. Thanks to Rick, Char and everyone who did anything to help set that trip up. I will be doing many others in the future.

It's somehow good sign when I come back from an off road trip and I have a few new dings on my skid plates and an eyebrow raising slash in my tire.

My girlfriend and I had a great time.

JoBunn: Suzanne wants to do a run with you and Monica sometime. Send us an email and let us know, 'cause Suzanne had a wonderful time, she loved the potluck, and she's ready for some more 'wheeling. Maybe we can get her to bring her lifted rig out with us!

T-haven was a blast. Anyone who didn't make it out really needs to put it on their agenda for next year. Thanks to all those that gave me advice when my radiator fluid started spouting out, especially ray for that fluid stuff. Also a big thanks to Rick and Char for setting everything up. took off way too early on sunday. it was a blast and you would have been able to do all the stuff we did with no problems. Also, you took off with the bag of lug nuts that I need for my spare.:( . I'll need to get those back from you some time or other.

Rick, I'll be e-mailing you the pics I took with my camera. I don't have any way of hosting them so could you just add them to your page?

This is simply beautiful!!!

edit: Look at the position of the body........the truck might as well be on the highway. It is perfect flex!

It seems like there was quite a bit of carnage, was it that rough or did you guys just push that hard?

I had both Kevin's with me though. You could ask them how they felt
With the cage in that truck you feel no fear.

Well like the AZ run last year we had quiet a few runners at Truckhaven. We started the last night out very relaxed and calm until PYRO Rick complained about the lack of a 6' plus flame on the fire and Johnny Johnstone made the mistake of listening to Char and putting a bag of trash on. Shortly after Rob calmly asked "is that a propane bottle in there?" Of course everyone denied that it could be possible. Who could ever be goofy enough to do that. Then after closer inspection we realized it was in fact a propane bottle. After the initial scream of the expected OH $%*#!!! I decided that it was not a wise idea to burn this bottle and proceded to fish it out with the poker. While I was kicking the bottle away from camp I realized that everyone else was about 100 yards away and still makin tracks. (As Charlie Daniels put it "they were all out there steppin and fetchin like there heads was on fire and there ***** was catchin".)
Rob said he would have gladly stayed to help but when you see the fireman (Ray) run either follow or pass him.
Char was the hero of the moment though because although she shoved Rick down and stepped on him to help get traction for the long run ahead she did grab the bottle of rum so it would be safe.
I think I saw John hiding behind his wife also but that's to be expected from him (as everyone knows he is kinda wimpy).
I guess I would have ran also but all I could think about was saving the lives of my fellow wheelers so I wouldn't have to go alone the next time.

Minor IFS flex.


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Originally posted by offroadkc
Rob said he would have gladly stayed to help but when you see the fireman (Ray) run either follow or pass him.
Char was the hero of the moment though because although she shoved Rick down and stepped on him to help get traction for the long run ahead she did grab the bottle of rum so it would be safe.
I think I saw John hiding behind his wife also but that's to be expected from him (as everyone knows he is kinda wimpy).
I guess I would have ran also but all I could think about was saving the lives of my fellow wheelers so I wouldn't have to go alone the next time.

LOL, what a great story :D

Good story :D

Chris; (Prerun4fun); One main reason of leaving was that my wife kindof expected around pm or so (not to mention I was losing an hr driving back to AZ). I wish I could of wheeled a bit on Sun... but I will eagerly await AZ run. And by the way;
I gave the bag with the lug-nuts to CHAR, to give to you... I didn't forget I had them ;)

I wish someone got a shot of my rear passenger tire about 2 1/2-3 feet off of the ground... I would've liked seeing that one. Thanks to those that RAN over to spot/hold my teetering butt!! :)

Thanks for the heads up doug on the nuts.

Rick, if you could just get that bag from char and add it to the package that you are sending with my dash plaque I would really appreciate it.

hey offroad kc dont forget the fox hole chuck was diging in the wash lol it was a great time sun night the funnest by far i think


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Saturday Nights Campfire.


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