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Has anyone heard of, found, or experienced a solution to the Ford Explorer exhaust issue?

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Why isn't everyone with Explorers having this problem? Mine has 78,000 miles on it. Problem still exists. Ford say's to wait for a fix. In the meantime, I'm still getting fumed out.

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Why isn't everyone with Explorers having this problem? Mine has 78,000 miles on it. Problem still exists. Ford say's to wait for a fix. In the meantime, I'm still getting fumed out.

It still pisses me off, no answers from anyone.

Same here... no answers. I did finally get the dealer to perform the TSB for the funky a/c smell, which I also have. Just waiting on parts to arrive.

The exhaust smell in the cabin is getting out of hand, to the point my wife (asthma sufferer) will not drive with me unless I promise to drive like a grandma the whole trip... :hammer:

I spoke to the salesman, and he said with the help of one of the owners, its possible to swap the Ex for a different vehicle. Im sure at a loss. But this condition is Fords fault... so it shouldn't effect my bottom line. I would assume we could turn it over even Steven, and starting new as if I walked in off the street.

I haven't decided if I want to wait a lil longer for the fix, or do it now.

With this mild weather we've been having here, I came to the conclusion that with the climate system off, and windows down, the smell lessens greatly, but is still present. But, with winter coming in Chicago, Driving with windows down will not be an option.


Add me to the list of 2013 explorer with exhaust smell in the cabin under hard acceleration. Mine has been doing it since we bought the car 4 months ago! Dealer here says they cant duplicate the problem and that its normal! WTF They had my car all day to tell me this! Ive owned 3 Ford cars and NEVER had this issue. Its normal. WTF EVER!

Add me to the list of 2013 explorer with exhaust smell in the cabin under hard acceleration. Mine has been doing it since we bought the car 4 months ago! Dealer here says they cant duplicate the problem and that its normal! WTF They had my car all day to tell me this! Ive owned 3 Ford cars and NEVER had this issue. Its normal. WTF EVER!
It is not normal. If it was, everyone would have it. The majority of owners do not.


Sorry, I was being sarcastic!

Just hard acceleration. You punch it, you smell it.

You can go 80 and smell nothing, but if you're going 60 and punch it to 80, you smell it.

If you're stopped and punch it and only hit 60, you smell it.

Not real happy about smelling oil, or exhaust or fumes from the crank case or whatever it is, in the cabin, at all.


Agree, that is the issue in a nutshell. Hard acceleration = smell in cabin.

Add me to the list of 2013 explorer with exhaust smell in the cabin under hard acceleration. Mine has been doing it since we bought the car 4 months ago! Dealer here says they cant duplicate the problem and that its normal! WTF They had my car all day to tell me this! Ive owned 3 Ford cars and NEVER had this issue. Its normal. WTF EVER!

If they built a vehicle that's engine blew up at 5000 miles, do you think Ford would still call it "normal"? Hey, they all do it, "It's normal." :crazy: They're idiots, and just don't care. I'm very disgusted with them. Unless somebody makes them fix the problem they won't....it hasn't killed anyone, so it's not a safety issue, so who cares? :(

And seeing as how they are trying to brush off the steering problem, I'm not sure this will get addressed as soon as we would like :(

I have to ask, what good will that do if you've already had your Explorer in the shop and they have no solution and said Ford had no solution?...
Hi everyone,

Escalating cases to your regional Customer Service Manager allows for the scope of a concern to be clearer. Please PM me with your credentials (VIN, contact information, approximate mileage, and dealer name/state) so I can arrange for you to be called.


I still haven't been contacted. I did send you my information, but on one from customer support has gotten back to me.

Add me to the list of 2013 explorer with exhaust smell in the cabin under hard acceleration. Mine has been doing it since we bought the car 4 months ago! Dealer here says they cant duplicate the problem and that its normal! WTF They had my car all day to tell me this! Ive owned 3 Ford cars and NEVER had this issue. Its normal. WTF EVER!

Take them on a test drive and replicate it for them. But what's the point, it can't be fixed. Funny I got 3 different loaner explorers during the 30 days my car has been in the shop and they all had the sulphur smell under hard acceleration.

And seeing as how they are trying to brush off the steering problem, I'm not sure this will get addressed as soon as we would like :(

Not hijacking the thread, but what steering problem are you referring to?


I still haven't been contacted. I did send you my information, but on one from customer support has gotten back to me.

RJ let me know she was able to get a hold of you. :)

Take them on a test drive and replicate it for them...
I see you spoke with Mark yesterday, gpzrider; please don’t hesitate to PM me with any more info you want forwarded to him.


Someone contacted us today from Ford about or 2013 issue. We should be able to bring vehicle to another dealer in the next week or so. Probably Mac Haik Ford in Round Rock, TX. They still dont know what the issues is though or even if they can fix it.

Someone contacted us today from Ford about or 2013 issue. We should be able to bring vehicle to another dealer in the next week or so. Probably Mac Haik Ford in Round Rock, TX. They still dont know what the issues is though or even if they can fix it.

Taking it in, when there is no way to fix it, is just a waste of your time....been there, done that.

Getting it escalated does no good either.....that's just fancy talk for hurry up and wait.

Ford doesn't know what the problem is and doesn't seem to care. I've had mine in the shop, I got the "Uh, we don't know" and "uh, Ford doesn't have anything on it"......big help.

I agree... no fix then what's the point in taking time off work. Just got to look at how many poeple are viewing these hot threads. For me and being my first Ford car I know what my feedback would be for potential new Ford buyers! Yes they may have created FMEA's but no longer practice that culture or proactive manufacturing practice.

2011 Explorere Burning Smell - Mine too

Had it to the dealer, they kept it for two full days only to tell me they could not duplicated it. They suggested I wait for Ford to publish something. In the meantime, are we being poisoned? I sent a PM to Cory, let's see what he can do.

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someone should really start a petition or something, otherwise that smell is going to smell more like a class action lawsuit

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