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ball joints


December 1, 2006
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Year, Model & Trim Level
94 explorer sport
I'm just wondering,is it a very much complicated job to replace the ball joints?What do i have to do and in what order?Do i need to take off the hubs or disassemble the bearings to get there?Should i rather go to the mechanic,or it's something i could do by myself?Any replies,suggestions,advice an so on are greatly appreciated because i'm really looking to gain some experience in doing my own repairs :)

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You can definitely do this by yourself. Other than the the average tool set, you will need a spindle bearing nut wrench, and a ball joint press.

A spindle bearing nut wrench looks kind of like this:

You can get this from most auto parts store (pepBoys, Napa, AutoZone, AdvancedAuto, etc..)

A ball joint press looks like this:

You can rent this from most auto parts store or you can buy it from HarborFreight.

Buy a repair manual (Chilton, Hayes, etc... search Barnes & Noble or Borders), they are worth every penny and will take you step by step on how to remove the spindle and replce the ball joints.

not sure if your 094 i much different than mine.. but i had one snap last month and it was in the middle of the street with the tire almost off... so i was able to replace the both lowers with a jack, jack stands, and a big socker i used on the jack to press it out as i reaised the jack aboainst the lower control arm..and to get it out i just tapped it out.. i replaced them less than a year ago not sure if that helped in the removal. but i did them in the rain in the street and replaced both of them within 90 minutes,

lol no not really one was already broken and the other was like tire off top pinch bolt off lower cotter pin and bolt off put socket ofver top of ball joint 3 wacks and it poppe out with a biggg hammer.. put jack under lower control arm with socket on it nut on ball joint still and in the socket raise the jack while tapping side of control arm and it went right in put the snap ring back on put the spindel in place tourqe nut and cotter pin in... pop upper back in replace pinch bolt tourqe.. put tire back on .. and i am serious when i say how fast it went..

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