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Bedlined and Painted my bed extender. NOT MAD ABOUT IT!


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
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Wittenberg University
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 Sport Trac XLT 4x4
Craigslist buy for $60. Use to be aluminum finish. Couple of rattle cans later... not anymore!

Rack City,

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Looks like it should've from the fatory. What bedliner did you use?

Great idea. I was just thinking today that the squeaking of my tire against the bed extender is a bit annoying with the rear window down. This may just be the solution...and it looks awesome.

That's cool I was putting the idea in my head

Sweet looking! Did you disassembled the extender and painted them separately? or taped it?

Dang thanks now I have something to do this week to the truck as I already have the paint.

When I read the title of the post I thought I wouldn't like it, but it looks good!

I have already taken mine out of the truck and its apart the tubes are being painted now. I love cheep mods that are easy good idea.

this looks sick! when i repaint all my interior and my front bumper imma have to do this too! Interested in where you got the matching paint for the plastic cross-members!

Hey Guys!
Thanks for the compliments. Alright here is what I did...

-Disassembled the entire thing
-Simple Greened all parts
-For the tubes I then used acetone and clean towels and wiped them down. I wasn't sure if I should sand them or not because the finish was still on the tubes. I did not sand them
-For the tubes I laid down a flat black primer (Dupli-color)
-For the tubes I then laid down a few coats of Dupli-color bed armor. BOOM!

As for the red spacers I treated them just like the bumper caddling. Wash, Sand, Adhesion Promoter, Primer (for me, red), Main Color (found at Advance Auto Parts - Dupli-color Perfect Match Ford), Clear Top Coat

I did not tape where the spacers went, I just squeezed them on because they broke in half down the middle. As for where the pivot spacer is I do wish I taped it because it did not break apart like the middle ones. So I had to mash them into the holes and some of the bed liner slipped, not a lot, but some.

I do want to add a small break light on the tubes or the spacers and run the wires through the spacers. I also want to add a foam pipe insulator over the top tube just in case some has to rest on it that I dont want to be scratched!


Thank you for the quick write-up, Pjibs! Another little project for me this summer.

Got some foam pipe insulation. Protecting the top bar that much more and whatever happens to be laying on it... like a canoe :thumbsup:


All that's left is a brake light maybe or a reflector or two

They make that insulation in a black rubber for a couple dollars more. Not saying what you have looks bad, just that the black may match the other bars closer. Awesome project. I see this one becoming quite popular.

Looks great! Only thing I would of done different is scuffed up the aluminum. Paint does not like to stick to it well. Coarse(red) scotch brite would work perfect. You can get a 3 pack at any auto parts store for about $5

Mines done will get pics on as soon as my trucks comes back from my daughter borrowing it.

That's not a bad idea with the brake light in the extender plug right into the trailer plug :)

Here's my painted bed extender



Right on! Looks awesome!!!

Pjibs, you really started something! Too bad you can't get royalties from everyone who does this. This might be a way to identify forum members.

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That looks great!

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