Blackmagic.. ur next project should be.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Blackmagic.. ur next project should be....

Blackmagic.. this should be ur next project....

ur car would look so hot wtih the all black trim. just image ur car like that with ur binnos
:D :D

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Very nice

This is one very nice sports rolling on Chromies and all blacked out:D

Is it just me, or is something not right about the door? It doesn't fit the lines of the flared out part coming from the front fender and running the length of the rear quarter panel. It kind of looks like it is sitting in to far at the bottom and is missing a line in the middle. Or are they all like that?

Well buddy, you're missing your front windows, they're not tinted, so it's not all blacked out yet,hehehehe:D

Very cool!

I think the door is missing the plastic piece that makes the lines match up.

Is that your truck or who's is it? I am about ready to have the tupperware painted black, soon. I am getting my exhaust first then I will save up for paint work.

Let me know how to contact the owner of that Great looking Sport!

Yea, I have seen his ride on there too. Just not the updates. I signed his signature. After reading some of his posts and some other stuff. I think I am kinda glad he is not a member here. Kinda sounds like a fool! Nice truck though!

he posted that he is part of the forum.. his name is phat01expsport on the forum. but regardless.. ur car is better than his.. :D

Originally posted by yob_yeknom
Is it just me, or is something not right about the door? It doesn't fit the lines of the flared out part coming from the front fender and running the length of the rear quarter panel. It kind of looks like it is sitting in to far at the bottom and is missing a line in the middle. Or are they all like that?

This is my car : [Dead Link Removed[/URL]

Originally posted by Black Magic
Yea, I have seen his ride on there too. Just not the updates. I signed his signature. After reading some of his posts and some other stuff. I think I am kinda glad he is not a member here. Kinda sounds like a fool! Nice truck though!

I am a member. A fool. **** you.

Originally posted by jssong
he posted that he is part of the forum.. his name is phat01expsport on the forum. but regardless.. ur car is better than his.. :D
Do you really think blackmagics car is nicer than mine?

yeh.. i do.. itz not anything against ur car.. ur car is hot too.. im actually debating whether i wasnt ur rims or his.. but dont take it the wrong way..

Originally posted by jssong
yeh.. i do.. itz not anything against ur car.. ur car is hot too.. im actually debating whether i wasnt ur rims or his.. but dont take it the wrong way..

Not taking anything personal. the reason I got these rimz is because I have never seen them on another car, and their nice. What do you like about his better?


I am a member. A fool. **** you.


Do you really think blackmagics car is nicer than mine?

hmm.. i definatly like his better now that i heard you talk like that... remember... there are peoples explorers here that can run over yours... just saying...oh yeah.. dont take any of that personal :D

oh yeah

there are also people here who could run over mine... like corys... and ricks...and arsouls... thats why i try not to piss them off. :D

i mostly like the additions to his car because he did most of them by himself. some times itz worth more because of the effort.. and the kmc clockers are actually quite popular among suvs... all kmcs are pretty popular.. but matts binno rims are quite rare.. regardless.. u both have quite extraordinary sports.. and i am jealous of both of you.. i will have pics of my 4 door xlt up soon.. and some of the mods that u and matt have done are what i hope to do in the future.

Re: hmmm

Originally posted by Adam Foote
I am a member. A fool. **** you.


Do you really think blackmagics car is nicer than mine?

hmm.. i definatly like his better now that i heard you talk like that... remember... there are peoples explorers here that can run over yours... just saying...oh yeah.. dont take any of that personal :D
talk like what? Constructive critisism is all I am looking for. And to Black Magic why are you gonna try to put somebody down if you don't know them? Perhaps you should read some of the posts on sounddomain that goatboy512 wrote to me. Did I start Talking Sh*t, I don't think so. So why did you?

Ok phat i apologize i thought you said it in a ****y way... however i must have been wrong... nothing but love for the Explorer owners!

Originally posted by Adam Foote
Ok phat i apologize i thought you said it in a ****y way... however i must have been wrong... nothing but love for the Explorer owners!

thanks for the apoligy, I too apologize for acting like an ass.

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i'm not gonna say anything mean to anybody (remember nothing but love for explorer members) but i just about died laughing after i read all those posts. anybody else?
