body lift and new tires - help!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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body lift and new tires - help!!!


January 18, 2007
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aiight hopefully you guys can help me out a little bit. I am new here, this is my frist post, just thought I would let everyone know lol

anyway I have a 2000 5.0v8 AWD explorer. right now I have 31x10.50s on it, and I just picked up some wider rims and plan to move to a 12.50.

I want to fit 33x12.50s on the truck but I cannot seem to find a body lift for my truck anywhere. is there anything out there for my truck? anyway I can fit this size tire on?

Thanks alot guys

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most of us are running the pa 883 body lift and a torson twist and either a shackle kit or add aleaf or even both

could you link me to where I can buy this bodylift at? I hear theres a 3" body lift for my truck? with that I should be able to fit 33x12.50s no problem right?

call summit racing and order the pa883 body lift it is a three inch body lift the only thing you have to do is build your own bumber brackets search the forum and you will find the templets

you might rub with the wider rims depending on the backspacing. Remember, do not fear the sawzall.

