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Body Lift Question


Active Member
February 24, 2006
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City, State
Atlanta, GA (Work) Flint, MI (School)
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XL 4x4
I've been looking around at pictures of 2nd gen's with a body lift, and I like how it looks for the most part. I was just wondering if there is a way to modify the mounting of the hitch to move it up as well. All the ones I've seen have the modified brackets for the bumper to pull it up, but then if there is a hitch, there is a 2 or 3 inch gap between the bumbper and hitch. Can the hitch be moved up too?

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yes you cut the hitch bracket and move it up 3".....there are a couple hitches that do not look God awful(they tuck up nicely), i think maybe the "hidden hitch" was one.

i took my hitch off of my 96' X with the 3 inch body lift. Its a 4.0 so i know im not going to be towing any thing. IT was ugly cuz it just hung down. After i took it off it looked much better and cleaner. Im just going to weld a tow hook in the back incase I need a tug sometime. Heres pics of my 96 with 3inch body lift and 31" BF A/T

Thanks for the relpy guys. Your X looks really nice! Do you have shackles and tt on it too?

I would like to keep it on if possible because I am hoping to purchase a jet ski this summer and will need to tow it. How do you modify the brackets for it? Mine bolted right to my frame. Also, I have running boards on mine that I would rather leave on. Does that work with the body lift?

Thanks for the relpy guys. Your X looks really nice! Do you have shackles and tt on it too?

I would like to keep it on if possible because I am hoping to purchase a jet ski this summer and will need to tow it. How do you modify the brackets for it? Mine bolted right to my frame. Also, I have running boards on mine that I would rather leave on. Does that work with the body lift?

nope no shackles or tt, just the pa835 3" body lift. Man to tell u the truth im not sure about what u need to modify exacly. I got all my info from the experts on here. I'm sure somebody else will respond with some more info. But on your X your running the 31" tires with no lift or tt or shackles?

Also, I have running boards on mine that I would rather leave on. Does that work with the body lift?

You would have a gap because the running boards attatch to the frame & the body as well.

Alright, thanks for the info. I'm sorry if this has already been posted somewhere, I couldn't find it. I think I will start with the tt and shackles and see how I like that first.

Yes, I was running the 31's without any lift. They fit fine with a little trimming on the front fender.

oooh cool, im runnin 31" BF A/T with the 3" body lift...but the next tires i buy im gonna try to fit 33" tires, wonder if ill have to do some trimming....
