less then 1 day old and MFT gone crazy | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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less then 1 day old and MFT gone crazy


Active Member
September 22, 2011
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City, State
Cooper City, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 Explorer Ltd 302a
I AM NOT HAPPY!!!!!!!!

I just posted this on my intro thread......

well...as luck would have it murphy's law kicked in and kicked our ass. woke up this morning and took the new ex out to make a coffee run at DD and MFT went bananas. linda blair took hold of her and ruined what should have been a really nice new car experience. took her to the dealership and my sales man was unable to do much other then instruct me to do a hard reset by disconnecting the battery. so i took her home and did as instructed. fortunetly it seemed to have worked, however i have little faith it will hold.

So now i have to spend time i don't have dealing with this crap. shame on me for getting this vehicle. I read the the threads, did my homework, new all too well the issues......and still got the vehicle. why on gods earth did i think i was different. I only have myself to blame.

more to come :mad:

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I AM NOT HAPPY!!!!!!!!

I just posted this on my intro thread......

well...as luck would have it murphy's law kicked in and kicked our ass. woke up this morning and took the new ex out to make a coffee run at DD and MFT went bananas. linda blair took hold of her and ruined what should have been a really nice new car experience. took her to the dealership and my sales man was unable to do much other then instruct me to do a hard reset by disconnecting the battery. so i took her home and did as instructed. fortunetly it seemed to have worked, however i have little faith it will hold.

So now i have to spend time i don't have dealing with this crap. shame on me for getting this vehicle. I read the the threads, did my homework, new all too well the issues......and still got the vehicle. why on gods earth did i think i was different. I only have myself to blame.

more to come :mad:

Pull fuse # 29 it reboots the mft better than a battery pull dealers are not well informed !!

Pull fuse # 29 it reboots the mft better than a battery pull dealers are not well informed !!

thanks for the tip.......wheres the fuse box? i havnt gotten that far getting to know her yet.

Driver side left of break pedal little bos had to get to but cover comes off easy on the inside of cover there os a little plastic tool used to remove and re install fuse be calm you can do it get a flash light !

It is too bad that this software is apparently buggy and unstable. I ordered an Ex knowing what people are saying here, so I wont be surprised if I have issues with it. I hope I dont regret the purchase and I dont think I will. I dont think Ill judge the whole SUV based on this one feature. For example - My Droid phone hangs up or crashes occasionally, and people on the Droid forums often complain about it, but I still like the phone, and put up with it.

If MFT is really as bad as some here say that it is, I can only hope for an upgrade soon. But I still dont get why this one feature of the Explorer gets so much attention on these forums.

I'm not sure if my experience is typical or not. But I found MFT very buggy and unstable for the first few days, maybe a week. Being a stubborn kind of chap I refused to disconnect the battery or pull fuse whatevernumberitis, figuring that this thing had better work the way it's designed or it's going back - having to regularly disconnect, reboot or whatever isn't acceptable.

Anyway. Left to its own devices, my MFT seems to have stabilised considerably. I've had a couple of 'scheduled maintenance' reboots but there's been an incremental improvement in stability since I've had the car.

Still early days yet for me, of course, and YMMV. But I'd suggest giving it some time and see if it improves.

So what happened, exactly? And what do you have hooked up to it?

Lots of good troubleshooting in Loganfilm's thread.

If you have a phone with lots of contacts and have it set to auto update the phone book, have a music device plugged into the USB, tried to issue a bunch of voice commands immediately after starting the car, especially if they were routing instructions - all are known fail points.

Once you figure out how it works, it will usually work pretty well - if you don't stress it out.

So what happened, exactly? And what do you have hooked up to it?

Lots of good troubleshooting in Loganfilm's thread.

If you have a phone with lots of contacts and have it set to auto update the phone book, have a music device plugged into the USB, tried to issue a bunch of voice commands immediately after starting the car, especially if they were routing instructions - all are known fail points.

Once you figure out how it works, it will usually work pretty well - if you don't stress it out.

in no particular order....

-screen flickering
-loss of a/c controls on touch screen, or creating its own settings.
-nav failure msgs.....with instructions to have serviced.
-radio is on am but screen shows its on serious.....and vice versa. many other odities as well.
-complete loss of voice commands. i press the button and nada.
-engage reverse and camera doesnt come on until i'm back in drive....which i guess is cool to watch whats going on behind me as i drive (for 30 seconds or so), but i'm gonna guess it was not designed to perform in such a manner.
-loss of phone functions.
-slowwww i'd press a button, say to change an a/c fan speed setting and it would take 30 seconds.

thats about all i can recall right now.

in no particular order....

-screen flickering
-loss of a/c controls on touch screen, or creating its own settings.
-nav failure msgs.....with instructions to have serviced.
-radio is on am but screen shows its on serious.....and vice versa. many other odities as well.
-complete loss of voice commands. i press the button and nada.
-engage reverse and camera doesnt come on until i'm back in drive....which i guess is cool to watch whats going on behind me as i drive (for 30 seconds or so), but i'm gonna guess it was not designed to perform in such a manner.
-loss of phone functions.
-slowwww i'd press a button, say to change an a/c fan speed setting and it would take 30 seconds.

thats about all i can recall right now.

Hi, njafish!

I suggest trying a fuse pull and seeing if that works. If it doesn't, I recommend taking your Explorer in for service. The screen flickering may need to be corrected by your dealership.

Fuse pull instructions:

Go to page 326 of your Owners Guide to get the fuse information and also grab a flashlight.

1) Locate the fuse panel on the left wall under the dash. It's about where your left knee would be.
2) Take off the black fuse panel cover.
3) Locate the fuse puller mounted on the inside of the fuse panel cover.
4) Locate fuse #29 and pull it out. Note: One end of the fuse puller is slotted just right to grab onto the top of the fuse.
5) Wait three minutes and re-insert fuse #29.
6) Replace the fuse cover with the fuse puller inserted into the cover holding slot.
7) Start your Explorer and wait 3-5 minutes for MFT to reboot.



Hi, njafish!

I suggest trying a fuse pull and seeing if that works. If it doesn't, I recommend taking your Explorer in for service. The screen flickering may need to be corrected by your dealership.

Fuse pull instructions:

Go to page 326 of your Owners Guide to get the fuse information and also grab a flashlight.

1) Locate the fuse panel on the left wall under the dash. It's about where your left knee would be.
2) Take off the black fuse panel cover.
3) Locate the fuse puller mounted on the inside of the fuse panel cover.
4) Locate fuse #29 and pull it out. Note: One end of the fuse puller is slotted just right to grab onto the top of the fuse.
5) Wait three minutes and re-insert fuse #29.
6) Replace the fuse cover with the fuse puller inserted into the cover holding slot.
7) Start your Explorer and wait 3-5 minutes for MFT to reboot.



Thank you Rebecca.....i will attempt such a maneuver the next time she craps out. so far things seem to be working since the battery disconnect yesterday.

i still have the nav sd card pulled to make sure thats not causing the problem.....any thoughts on this?

njafish if you are able to get to this please tell me how. I'm going to need to grown some more joints in my arms an neck to be able to see and use my hands to do it on my 2012.

Does it seem odd that Ford's response to the system acting like "Linda Blair" programmed it is to pull the fuse or battery? I understand the IVT team is trying to help, but when they post directions of how to pull a fuse because the system doesn't function properly, it is a "red flag". Before I hear about how we as consumers need to fix the issue (don't over stress the system, don't put a USB drive in with too many songs, don't connect a phone with a lot of contacts, don't issue any commands for a minute or two after starting, etc), when is Ford going to respond to the owners that have a system that is broken and not getting any better?

Attempted a Master Reset this morning and still having the TravelLink hour glass issue. Weird thing is I was expecting the Master Reset to delete all my sirius and AM/FM presets but they were still there. Also it did "delete" all phonesm, but when I hit BT Stereo it began searching for my iPad. Strange.

What ford needs to do is have an on-off switch located on the 8 inch screen so you can kill the power to MFT without having to remove a fuse to do a rebboot. This would allow you to be able to reset the system while driving.

njafish if you are able to get to this please tell me how. I'm going to need to grown some more joints in my arms an neck to be able to see and use my hands to do it on my 2012.

well she is still working so i have no need just yet to dig under the dash for the fuse box. which in itself will be interesting given my svelt 6'3" 300 lb. runway model Physique :D

I'm still holding off on the reinstalling the nav card as instructed. Supposedly i'm to bring her into the dealership Saturday to have a specialist take a look at MFT. I was told that the 10 south florida ford dealers share a single MFT special tech….all he does is rove to the different dealers to address MFT issues.

the plot thickens!!!!!

Does it seem odd that Ford's response to the system acting like "Linda Blair" programmed it is to pull the fuse or battery? I understand the IVT team is trying to help, but when they post directions of how to pull a fuse because the system doesn't function properly, it is a "red flag". Before I hear about how we as consumers need to fix the issue (don't over stress the system, don't put a USB drive in with too many songs, don't connect a phone with a lot of contacts, don't issue any commands for a minute or two after starting, etc), when is Ford going to respond to the owners that have a system that is broken and not getting any better?

Hi, falkirk!

I'm sorry you feel this way! The reason I suggested a fuse pull before anything else is because of the issue njafish is having. If it fixed his screen issues, there would be no need to go to the dealership. Most people would rather fix the issue themselves instead of going to their dealer and spending a few hours waiting. Like you said, I was just trying to help.

Attempted a Master Reset this morning and still having the TravelLink hour glass issue. Weird thing is I was expecting the Master Reset to delete all my sirius and AM/FM presets but they were still there. Also it did "delete" all phonesm, but when I hit BT Stereo it began searching for my iPad. Strange.

Hi, Woolaroc!

Please private message me your VIN and the message you get when you touch one of the Travel Link options. I will forward the information to the appropriate people. Also, I'm working on getting an answer about the fuse pull for you. Thank you for posting that pic! I wasn't aware of the new panel that's on there :banghead:

well she is still working so i have no need just yet to dig under the dash for the fuse box. which in itself will be interesting given my svelt 6'3" 300 lb. runway model Physique :D

I'm still holding off on the reinstalling the nav card as instructed. Supposedly i'm to bring her into the dealership Saturday to have a specialist take a look at MFT. I was told that the 10 south florida ford dealers share a single MFT special tech….all he does is rove to the different dealers to address MFT issues.

the plot thickens!!!!!

Hey, njafish!

Is your nav fault intermittent or constant? If it's constant, your dealership will need to get involved to run diagnostics on your system. If it's intermittent, I suggest re-seating your SD card when the fault comes up or doing an ignition cycle.

BTW, I just responded to your private message :)


PM sent thanks Rebecca, glad to know the trim piece is new and that I'm not crazy.

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Called Sirius about TravelLink and they sent a subscription update or somthing, didn't work. The operator said he was sending another one and it could take 5 minutes, and asked if I would hold, got put on hold and 20 sec later he hung up. 2nd update never arrived. Still no TravelLink.
