2001 sport headlight problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2001 sport headlight problem


Well-Known Member
March 5, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Ford Explorer Sport
I took out my headlight on my 2001 sport and messed one up. From putting it on the table the threaded rods moved now it won't go back in. Any suggestions on how to line it up again?

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it will move back it is ment to move kinda try some pb blaster/wd-40 on the ball at the bottle they look a little rusted if not take the rod off by removing the black retainer at the base there is probablty corrosion in there

Yeah I was gonna say just soak it in some WD spray the hell out of it and let it set overnight, or for a few hours, and just wriggle it loose...

Whats that? Never heard of the stuff LOL
