Body Lift vs. Spacer/ Shackles | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Body Lift vs. Spacer/ Shackles


Active Member
August 12, 2006
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City, State
Fresno, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Expo Sport
I want to fit some 33's (maybe 32's if I have to) and I am considering a body lift. Question is; how much body lift do I need or would it be better to do a spacer/ shackle lift? I'm kinda looking at a cost/ benefit analysis. I need tires soon but I don't have money for a full blown lift kit. Later I plan on doing a spring over and (?) to the front. What do you guys think?

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I would save for the whole kit as well. To answer your question, you can get a 3" body and fit 32 no problem. The spacer/shackle is just under 2" of lift but you can fit 32s with 2". You could also do both and get 4-5" of lift and fit 33s no problem. Front spacers are only $30, shackles are about $50 and a body lift will be Close to $100 +/- a few dollars.

A SOA will give you 5"-6" lift so to match that in the front you would need a full lift.

Good luck with whatever you choose, and welcome to the site. :thumbsup:

Oh, and you'll need to get an alignment if you go with spacers up front.

I did both [3" BL and 2" spacer/shackle]and I have 32's


here are ya some pics with my 3"body lift and 33x12.50 bfg at's


With the wheel turned a little


With the body lift the tires rubbed the fender and sway bar when I would turn it all the way but nothing serious..Since then I have added coil spacers and shackles but the tires still rub the sway bar

so your 33's rub with a 3" bl and still rubbbed after a spacer/shackle combo??

anyone have 33's that don't rub??

what kind of backspace do those snazzy wheels of yours have buckshot??


The tires rub the swaybar because they're on stock wheels (with 4.5" backspace). On a set of aftermarket 15x8's with 3.75" backspace they wouldn't rub the suspension.

The tires rub the swaybar because they're on stock wheels (with 4.5" backspace). On a set of aftermarket 15x8's with 3.75" backspace they wouldn't rub the suspension.

yeah what he said...

If you get aftermarket wheels, you wouldnt have to worry about anything

okay i figured that was the case, thanks

