bottoming out | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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bottoming out


January 6, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
long grove , ill.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 eddie baurer awd
i lowered my 00 5.0 awd eddie 2" in the rear and leveled the front, I read that people drop thier x 3" and never complain of always hitting the bumpstops in the back. I do have a box in the back on the rear axle, it wieghs about 100 lbs, and my shocks are still stock with 40,000 miles. would going to edelbrocks ias shocks improve the ride, keep it from bouncing on the bump stops.

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new shocks also ways help somehow

get shorter bumpstops or cut them

Explorer can cover both those needs. They have the shocks and bumpstops for lowered Explorer's.

Also you should check out the Group Purchace for EE's sway bars. Also get the endlink kit that includes the Pollyurithane bushings. They are very, very good!

Mine is lowered 2" like yours. I cut a third off the stock rear bump stop and I rarely bottom out. One of them cheap tricks. ;)


  • x cut rear bump stop.jpg
    x cut rear bump stop.jpg
    32.7 KB · Views: 669

My X is lowered 2", the same as yours and I have hit the bumpstops in the back a few times w/ new shocks. If your shock are that old I would replace them w/either the edelbrocks or Bilsteins like my came with.

What did you do with the bumpstop, Tommy98016 ? If you have it at stock length you will bottom out with or without new shocks. I cut .3" and I still bottom out on occassions. I currently have a small hole in the middle of the bumpstop to cushion the bump a little more, I'm thinking making the hole bigger. Sounds a little ghetto but I think it'll work. :rolleyes:

X~FACTOR your idea w/the larger holes sounds like it should work for you. Also my bumpstop where changed by Saleen and I have never really look at them to see what size the are. When I get home from work I will check them out.

TAS98xlt, is that a 3" drop block?!? Damn, from the look of it, even without bumpstop you WILL bottom out. :D

Tommy: not to change the subject of this post, but are you saying that the XP8's have 2 inch blocks in the rear? Can you verify this for me? I am getting ready to drop mine and put my 255/55/18 combo on and I really want to go 2 inches. Your XP8 is AWD right? Sorry for all the questions!:D

Originally posted by 98X5.0
Tommy: not to change the subject of this post, but are you saying that the XP8's have 2 inch blocks in the rear? Can you verify this for me? I am getting ready to drop mine and put my 255/55/18 combo on and I really want to go 2 inches. Your XP8 is AWD right? Sorry for all the questions!:D

sorry I did not get home till late I was at the inlaws :rolleyes:

I'll try tonight to find out and yes it is AWD....

thanks guys, I"ll cut a little off, i was going to do that, but just didn't have the time.Des the EE rear sway bar make that much of a difference?
