Brake and Blinker results in smoke from steering column! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brake and Blinker results in smoke from steering column!


Well-Known Member
April 1, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Southern California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 EB 5.0L (R.I.P)
I had a VERY interesting experience with the X yesterday.

I was getting off the freeway and on the offramp changed into the left turn lane, and activated my left blinker. Obviously, I was also using the brake to stop the vehicle. Shortly before I came to a complete stop, the blinker stopped blinking, and the left blinker indicator stayed (dimly) lit while I was on the brake.

I shifted into neutral, and let off the brake, and the blinker began functioning again. Back on the brake, and the blinker stopped, and the indicator stayed (dimly) lit.

I just figured I had lost a bulb or something, and would check it out later. Then, as I sat there waiting for the light to change, I noticed the unmistakable "a wire is melting or burning it's insulation" smoke rising up from my steering column, most notably from the hazard light switch, probably because that was the top most hole.

I shut my blinker off, and tried to shut off any other lights. The smoke seemed to subside when I let off the brake.

The light changed, and I didn't see any flames, so I drove to the next intersection, and it began again while I was on the brake. By the next intersection, my blinker and brake were working as normal, and no smoke was rising. It's been perfectly normal since.

I haven't had the chance to check under the dash, or in the column for the cause, but I'm not sure what I should be looking for!

I have installed a pair of gauges on my A-Pillar, and tapped into the dimmed dash lights for illumination, though they still work. I also have a pre-assembled cable that goes from the connector near the rear tail light to connect a trailer's lights. I'll check that also, but I'm not sure what else might cause this.

Any thoughts? Any one else have this experience?

P.S. I did have the interim Speed Control recall fix performed about 3 weeks ago. I.E. Disconnect the sensor. Though, I'd be seriously disappointed if that somehow caused this.

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hahaha i had this happen as well. i have no clue wut it was but everything still works fine and it hasnt happened since... i was pretty worried at the time but now i figure its just becuz its an xploder and it does all kinds of out of the ordinary ****. also makes a lot of strange noises. although the worst noise i got rid of by replacing my front wheel bearings.

hahaha i had this happen as well. i have no clue wut it was but everything still works fine and it hasnt happened since... i was pretty worried at the time but now i figure its just becuz its an xploder and it does all kinds of out of the ordinary ****. also makes a lot of strange noises. although the worst noise i got rid of by replacing my front wheel bearings.

Interesting. Oddly comforting to know it's happened to someone else, though I'm still VERY curious about what caused it.

Thanks for the response. :)

Your multifunction switch is bad. It is a common problem on Explorers. Mine buzzes at me when I use the turn signal and I have yet to replace it because it hasn't went up in smoke yet and I am cheap.:D Search for multifunction switch and you'll come up with simular posts and answers. isn't just my truck...I've had this problem for a bit now, but it hasn't affected anything yet...malfunction switch...i'll have to check that out...thanks

The recall only had to do with the cruise control, and your problem has nothing to do with it. The multifunction switch (turn signal/wiper/washer/hi-beam arm) needs to be replaced. From what I'm told this is a very common issue. It's happened to me.

I ordered one from Advance Auto Parts for about $60. No more smoke. All you have to do is remove the cover around the steering column and remove the old switch.

I've also been told by others on this site that you can open up the switch and regrease the contacts with dielectric grease which will stop the smoking. I thought I'd do that to my old one and keep it as a spare or sell it. After I got it open it was a big filthy greasy mess that I couldn't figure out how to put back together again. (And I'm usually pretty good with working on stuff like that.) It sat on the kitchen table for bloody ages until I eventually threw it out.

Thanks for all the responses. The multifunction switch makes sense. Surprised my searches didn't result in a thread about it. *shrug*

I realize that the recall was for the cruise control, but the wiring did go to a sensor on the master cylinder, so it's not completely foolish of me to think it might be related to the brakes in some way.

I figured it probably wasn't the cause of the issue, but figured I'd mention it just in case.

Looks like I'll start shopping for a new multifunction switch! Yay me!

i suppose i should replace it then...nah im too cheap i think ill wait until it completely goes. it hasnt happened for months now anyway

I've noticed with mine, it does the buzzing thing on right turns, but only when it is cold out. I haven't replaced it yet, seeing as it is summer so it doesn't screw up.

I think I will have to this winter though.
