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Bronco Sport rollover on Black Bear



No details about the rollover or the passengers.

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Probably was a soft rollover.

Still no details about the roll, but the driver was treated on the scene and transported to the hospital.

I hope the driver recovers.

ON a side note. I have never seen so many airbags in one vehicle. Where do they find room for all that? looks like more stuff than my bed linens shelf.

Uh wow. Hope everyone made it OK.

My biggest takeaway is how well the roof held up in the crash. It took some solid hits, yet retained it's integrity. That's some excellent engineering.

My biggest takeaway is how well the roof held up in the crash. It took some solid hits, yet retained it's integrity. That's some excellent engineering.
Looks like good engineering and some luck too. If the front of the roof took the same hit as the back it probably would have crushed down to the seats. I noticed the engine and transmission self ejected. The official crash videos seem to show the car staying intact, but the auto auction photos show things like the engine half way through the windshield

Looks like good engineering and some luck too. If the front of the roof took the same hit as the back it probably would have crushed down to the seats. I noticed the engine and transmission self ejected. The official crash videos seem to show the car staying intact, but the auto auction photos show things like the engine half way through the windshield

Looks to me like the engine is still in there when I zoom in. Looks like a straight 4.

230pm Deputies have learned that the women were driving up Bridal Veil Road and entered the one-way Black Bear Pass going the wrong way. The passenger told Deputies they did not see the sign indicating the beginning of the one way pass. After a couple of switchbacks they decided it was best to turn around. The passenger then stepped of the vehicle to help the driver navigate, and while backing up, two of the wheels went high enough on the embankment to cause the vehicle to begin to roll. The 2021 Ford Bronco rolled off the cliff an estimated 400 feet, ejecting the driver, the dog, and the vehicle's engine before coming to a stop.
1045am Dog update: 1 year-old golden doodle "Chewy" treated for minor injuries, doing well.
10am According to initial reports, driver is an out of state 23 year-old female who was ejected and suffered serious injuries. Her passenger was out of the vehicle when rollover occurred and not injured, and a dog was ejected and being treated at a local vet. Fortunately, no hikers or drivers of other vehicles were killed or injured by this falling car or associated debris.

I am not sure how any living thing ejected from that severe of a fall survived. From the looks of the vehicle it was moving fast to cause this much damage. I would figure anyone ejected would suffer the same fate. That is one lucky dog and woman. The luckiest of the three was the one that got out to spot the driver.

I am not sure how anything living thing ejected from that severe of a fall survived. From the looks of the vehicle it was moving fast to cause this much damage. I would figure anyone ejected would suffer the same fate. That is one lucky dog and woman. The luckiest of the three was the one that got out to spot the driver.

Dogs are amazingly resilient. There was a similar crash with a Jeep earlier this year. Dog was ejected and found the next day in good shape.

I would read the introduction then skip to the 3 minute mark and let it roll... Pun intended. ;)

No fatality in this crash either, but she was severely injured :(

It did pretty good for the last 400 feet of it's life. If you were ejected and thrown clear early in the descent, chances are you might be able to walk again someday. I'm more fascinated why the engine can't stay attached to the transmission. Picture is from IAA and listed as a rollover


They used to wind up in the passenger compartment after massive front impacts, so this is an improvement ;)

230pm Deputies have learned that the women were driving up Bridal Veil Road and entered the one-way Black Bear Pass going the wrong way. The passenger told Deputies they did not see the sign indicating the beginning of the one way pass. After a couple of switchbacks they decided it was best to turn around. The passenger then stepped of the vehicle to help the driver navigate, and while backing up, two of the wheels went high enough on the embankment to cause the vehicle to begin to roll. The 2021 Ford Bronco rolled off the cliff an estimated 400 feet, ejecting the driver, the dog, and the vehicle's engine before coming to a stop.
1045am Dog update: 1 year-old golden doodle "Chewy" treated for minor injuries, doing well.
10am According to initial reports, driver is an out of state 23 year-old female who was ejected and suffered serious injuries. Her passenger was out of the vehicle when rollover occurred and not injured, and a dog was ejected and being treated at a local vet. Fortunately, no hikers or drivers of other vehicles were killed or injured by this falling car or associated debris.
400 feet down, ejected (!) and yet survived...I hope and pray she recovers well. Quite a disaster to survive. Looking at the video of Black Bear Pass, seems like NO margin for error there. No way you'd catch me going up mountains.


Signs clearly state -- "Only for Experienced Drivers with the proper equipment". Not a time to over estimate your abilities. The Mountains are a very huge, majestic place but not for the faint of heart or over confident.

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400 feet down, ejected (!) and yet survived...I hope and pray she recovers well. Quite a disaster to survive. Looking at the video of Black Bear Pass, seems like NO margin for error there. No way you'd catch me going up mountains.
If the person was wearing seat belts - how did they get ejected?
I think not possible to have belts on.
The air bags were good for the first half of a second, after that worthless the full roll down.
On the engine in the windshield? That's crazy, sure should have been better mounts to the cradle and isn't this a transverse wanabe 4x4(?) still should have been in the front end, not on the drivers lap!
