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Brown wire mod question


January 19, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Truckee, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Sport
Could you just cap off the brown wire instead of putting a switch in?

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yes you can no more 4x4 at all

You could but why? Its not that easy to get to. I had to pull the gauges out to get enough room to wire a switch in.

2 ?'s does doing the brown wire mod on an awd truck like mine hurt the truck in the long run???
and does anybody have "the how to do the brown wire mod" link
i tried searching but there is like 32 pages and i dont really want to look throu all of them!!!

dont think it works on awd does it?

not to hijack or anything lol but when u do the brown wire mod u can get 2LO, in the manual it says not to use 4LO like on the road or anywhere with hard surface (or lots of traction something like that) anyway if u do the BWM and have 2LO, would the same rule apply? i wanna do the mod sometime soon just a off the wall question i had lol, thanks

not to hijack or anything lol but when u do the brown wire mod u can get 2LO, in the manual it says not to use 4LO like on the road or anywhere with hard surface (or lots of traction something like that) anyway if u do the BWM and have 2LO, would the same rule apply? i wanna do the mod sometime soon just a off the wall question i had lol, thanks

No, should be fine to use 2 low on pavement. The front axle will not be powered at all. I haven't used 2 low on pavement but find myself using it more than 4 high or low offroad.

2 ?'s does doing the brown wire mod on an awd truck like mine hurt the truck in the long run???
and does anybody have "the how to do the brown wire mod" link
i tried searching but there is like 32 pages and i dont really want to look throu all of them!!!

1) No.
2) Condensed version Here


3) And, no, it won't work on an AWD V-8.
