Bug Deflector? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bug Deflector?

Bug Deflector Yes or no

  • Yes, Being able to see when your driving is a must

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • No, bug guts are good for the truck

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Bug Deflectors dont do much

    Votes: 2 50.0%

  • Total voters
I personally think that bug deflectors work great when they are installed properly. I have had mine on for a couple of years and I know for sure that it has taken many rock and pebble hits that would have surely dented the front of the truck. Hey I have proof that it works, I have had my windshield broken three times from rocks coming off trucks on the highway (bug deflector can't stop the ones that are bouncing on the highway) and my front end/bumper and headlights are all pitted from rocks. When I took off my bug deflector last summer to wax the truck, the front of the hood looked brand new. If I hadn't had on I would have had a million tiny dents on the front of my hood. Not cool!

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Yes, bug deflectors do work to some extent. (we've got a lot of bugs around here, I've got proof) When installed correctly, they DO NOT RUB. I've had one on both of my Explorers, no rubbing at all. I also think a wrap around style deflector actually greatly improves the stub-nosed look of the Explorer front end. Go get one!

I have had the Bugflector II for about 1.5 years, and it's better with one than without one. If you have ever seen my windshield, you will notice how often I have had to get chips repaired. I have probably gotten 10 chips prior to the bugflector and 2 since the bugflector. Remember, I live in Mississippi. Also, bugs are not nearly as bad as a problem as they use to be. I use to have problems with visibililty after 50 miles at night in the MS delta before, and I can drive at least 2 hours without needing to clean the windshield. This is a slight exageration, but not far from the truth. The front is so chipped that I needed to do something to it until I can afford to repaint the vehicle. Gotta live in a poor state such as Mississippi or Louisiana before you can appreciate the value of a bug deflector.

Thank you for all of your opinions so far... I am leaning towards buying one, unless I read something thats soo convincing not to. Hey if its only 30 bucks I rather throw it on and protect my hood from paint chips... Im gonna buy the bug deflector, tint out the windows then grab my system, custom intake then exhaust are in the future if I work for enough money.

I don't like the air drag they put on the vehicle...I had a gtstyling bug deflector. It was a clear one that I painted the back the same color as the truck so it looked good, but there was so much terbulence that my winshield spray didn't even get on the window!!! Plus it didn't help with the bugs or the gas mileage.

Personally, I would rather have a bra on my font end than a bug defelctor. The bug deflectors are just plain ugly. Bras are a bit more expensive and you have to take them off everytime you wash your car to keep the dirt out from under it to keep it from scratching up the paint. But they do look a lot better than those bug deflectors. Just my 2 cents.

I have one on mine but I cant remember what brand it is. Mine does not deflect bugs verry well as it flexes to much, especialy in the center. I bougt my Muntaineer used and it had a bunch of rock chips on the front of the hood so at least the defleter will keep this from happening.

I'd say no bug deflector. I don't think they look good. Also, as far as usefullness, I don't really know if they work or not, but I don't have too much trouble just washing the windshield every so often. And the Ex already has so many chips on the hood that it wouldn't be worth it to get a deflector. Well, that's why I wouldn't get one for mine, but if yours is a different story and you want it, I'd say go for it
