Central PA Day of Wheeling July 13th | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Central PA Day of Wheeling July 13th


4x Explorer Veteran
April 8, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Johnstown, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Jeep
A local club is having a day of wheeling on their ground on July 13th in Windber, PA. I missed the last run with these guys so I'm not sure what the trails are like but I've heard all good things. I'm hoping to get a good group of you guys together so we can show up the Jeeps!

Camping is available on site but I'm less than 15 minutes away and you can camp in my backyard with full amenities.

Link to Doe Valley Map


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I have a big shindig going down at my house that weekend or I'd be down for this...

My niece is getting married that weekend and my wife and I are pretty much taking care of everything for it so I can't come out that weekend. A club I've wheel'd with before "SWPA Offroaders" has gone out there a bunch of times and love the place.

I was counting on you two too!

Sorry man. Wish I could make it out there but it's a bad weekend. Are we still getting the meet together? Gotta schedule a trail run towards the end of summer and get as many members together as possible. This way it'll give people time to schedule it in. Tons of great trails around.

I'm still up for a meet. Maybe the first weekend in July. Doesn't seem to be much interest but if we get the ball rolling it might gain traction. I'm up for a run anytime!

Ok so the wedding is on the 14th, I may be able to swing it to come out and play on the 13th. Gotta see what all still needs finished, bought, picked up, etc... for the wedding. i'll see if anyone from the SWPA Offroaders club is going, try and get as many members from here as possible too.

I'm game for the meet as well.

Great, keep me posted. Are you locked?

I updated the meet thread as well.

Not locked yet, I will be after my SAS. Gotta be careful with the undercarriage though since I have a plastic gas tank without a skid plate. Next on things to fabricate as well as a snorkel.

Yea, skid plate with the long wheelbase is a good idea. My buddy might come along as well, has a crewcab long bed Tacoma. We spend a lot of time doing 3 point turns and scraping the belly.

I'd say we'll be evenly matched for the day then.

Are you bringing your Explorer?


O.k. so who else is going? RookieShooter, come out and play, it's not that far, you're probably closer to it then I am.

Two weeks away! Guess it's time to start getting the truck ready. I'm rebuilding the limted slip this week along with all new rear brake hardware and redoing the intake gaskets.

I do believe registration begins at 8 and wheelings starts around 9. No excuse for those living only a few hours away not to come.

Is 4 hours just a few hours? :p

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Yes, now drive.

Meh OK. If I request off work on the 13th I can come.

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Good deal, guess it's time I buy a new tow strap.

I've got tow straps and a 12k lb. winch, my ARB winch bumper has an official "Mountain Rescue" sticker on it for a reason. Plenty of other wheelers I've rescued can attest to that. Lol

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Good to know we'll be in good company then! And Watt's all seasons won't be completely destroyed by the end of the day.
