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Change u-joints to cv-joints?

July 1, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Dublin, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT
I just got a new set of u-joints due to excessive play in the drive shaft however when my friend (a certified mechanic) came over to help me replace the old ones he informed me that since my 2wd 4dr 91X is lifted 9 inches ,the drive shaft is at to much of an angle and that the new u-joint would be just as bad as the ones on there now in 2 months. He then informed me that there is a way to switch the universal joinst to CV-joints. He believes that this will fix my problem . Is he right?, I dont even know what a cv-joint is. has anyone ever expirenced any thing like this?? Insight Apricated


You need to go to a shop that specializes in drivelines. They will tell you what you need and how to get components made and fitted.

He may very well be right, or you may just need a longer driveshaft and shims for your rear axle that change the pinion angle.

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