"Check Transmission" first time I've ever seen it..... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Check Transmission" first time I've ever seen it.....


Well-Known Member
September 11, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Tucson AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Eddie Bauer V8 4.6L
Well I guess this day had to come sooner or later with 230k and a transmission that has never had service since it's initial drain and fill at 30k. I'm a firm believer that sludge is my friend with this transmission.

This Explorer is really tired and shows a lot of wear. My son wrecked his truck and has recently started driving it daily back and forth to work. After about 3 weeks, it started with the OD flashing, but then going off. In the last few days it's showing "check transmission" in the display area with the service engine soon light on.

The truck shifts fine and doesn't seem to have any issues other than an occasional misfire, which has been intermittent for 2 years since I had the timing chains done.

I plan to hit auto zone and get the codes read, but I don't want to put any money into this truck since it's given about all it has.

Since it seems to shift fine, what's everybody's best guess on how long he can drive this thing. Is 6 months too much to hope for? He should have some money saved up by then to get something newer.

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Could be anything from low fluid level to bad solenoids, etc. Getting it scanned may be helpful, but from what I have seen here, not always. :(

My car is at 209K and has just started to occasionally buck at 45 MPH.
Sounds like both our transmissions are on the way out.

To the op: I'd be as easy as you can on it. One hard push to merge on the highway and it could be all she wrote.

My car is at 209K and has just started to occasionally buck at 45 MPH.
Sounds like both our transmissions are on the way out.

What your describing is a simple missfire. Most likely water in #3 or #7.

Thanks everyone, I don't think we are even going to mess with getting the codes read. He is just going to drive it and if he gets stranded on the side of the road, we have emergency towing on it, so we'll haul it back and sell it cheap to somebody that needs parts.

The misfires are pretty frustrating to try and figure out. Mine are documented somewhere in these forums and I never did find an answer. The P0304 and P0308 are the bane of my existence!!

Checked fuel pressure, air, voltage, coil on plugs, plugs, more plugs. Had a voodoo lady come over and blow some kind of smoke by the firewall. It seemed to help for a few days, but the misfires returned....

" Had a voodoo lady come over and blow some kind of smoke by the firewall. It seemed to help for a few days, but the misfires returned....".....ROFLMFAO.....nice one
