Temperature only works on HI and LOW | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Temperature only works on HI and LOW

Dan Ike

May 1, 2017
Reaction score
City, State
Floyds Knobs, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Explorer Sport
I bought a used 2013 Sport with 48,000 miles. I've had it a week and the only problem is the temperature is incapable of adjusting by degrees. It's either all hot or all cold. For instance, on the way to work i want it around 80 degrees but when I set the temperature via steering wheel, SYNC touchscreen, or car touch buttons to any degree besides HI, its cold. As soon as I move it to HI, it blows very hot air. If i want to decrease the hotness, it will not decrease until i move all the way to LOW. Doesn't matter what speed/power the fan is set to. Also doesn't matter if AC is enabled or disable. The last weird fact is the rear climate works perfectly normal. What do you think the problem is?

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What does your instrument cluster or touch screen say the outside temperature is?

Does it seem like it's reading correctly?

I had a similar problem on my 07 Expedition. I replaced the fan blower motor resistor and it worked like normal. Not sure if the Explorers have that part though.

I had a similar problem on my 07 Expedition. I replaced the fan blower motor resistor and it worked like normal. Not sure if the Explorers have that part though.

What you had was bad blower speed. The OP when he says Hi/Low means temperature setting. The output temperature is dependent on what the vehicles sensors are seeing.

System uses outside air temp, in cabin temp, in cabin humidity, and sunload. Sunload and humidity don't impact the temp output as much as the outside and inside temp sensors. The sensor that is most likely to be disturbed, mutilated, messed with is the outside sensor that is near the front bumper exposed to elements.

Plus you can see if the outside temp sensor is working by looking at the IC or touch screen without whipping out a scanner.

What you had was bad blower speed. The OP when he says Hi/Low means temperature setting. The output temperature is dependent on what the vehicles sensors are seeing.

System uses outside air temp, in cabin temp, in cabin humidity, and sunload. Sunload and humidity don't impact the temp output as much as the outside and inside temp sensors. The sensor that is most likely to be disturbed, mutilated, messed with is the outside sensor that is near the front bumper exposed to elements.

Plus you can see if the outside temp sensor is working by looking at the IC or touch screen without whipping out a scanner.

I think you figured it out! The outside air temp is just three dashes instead of a temperature and the setting is turned on so I think the outside temperature sensor is broken. I'm gonna take it in to the dealership and get a quote for fixing that because not having various levels of HOT and COLD is uncomfortable. You were also correct in that the blower speeds work perfectly fine, it's just the temperature fluctuations that don't. Thanks for your help

I think you figured it out! The outside air temp is just three dashes instead of a temperature and the setting is turned on so I think the outside temperature sensor is broken. I'm gonna take it in to the dealership and get a quote for fixing that because not having various levels of HOT and COLD is uncomfortable. You were also correct in that the blower speeds work perfectly fine, it's just the temperature fluctuations that don't. Thanks for your help

This maybe the easiest fix in the world to do and it is easy to check.

That sensor is attached near the bottom of the radiator support on the driver's side. To make sure it's the sensor that's bad you just unplug it, note the temp on the screen and then take a piece of wire and short the two terminals on the connector and note the temp. Open circuit and short circuit should show the full range of the sensor with like -41 F to something like 140 or 180F. If it does this then this means the wiring is good and the sensor is bad.

Drive to O'reilly auto parts, pay 13 bucks, replace it, done. No diagnostic fee, no waiting at dealer, no dealer markup, no labor fee. Plus you did it yourself.


I think OPEN circuit is 3 dashes and shorted is the -40 F. Sensor may just be disconnected.

Welcome to the Forum Dan.:wave:
Good to see that you've been looked after.:thumbsup:


Here is the location:



That was incredibly helpful, I know others will really appreciate the pictures as well. After taking a look at the wiring myself, I saw it was frayed and almost cut in two so without having better knowledge of splicing/repairing wiring, I took it to the Ford Dealership and $240 later, they replaced the bad wiring and sensor. Everything is working great now and I'm happy with the price I paid to ensure it was done correctly.

That was incredibly helpful, I know others will really appreciate the pictures as well. After taking a look at the wiring myself, I saw it was frayed and almost cut in two so without having better knowledge of splicing/repairing wiring, I took it to the Ford Dealership and $240 later, they replaced the bad wiring and sensor. Everything is working great now and I'm happy with the price I paid to ensure it was done correctly.

Pardon my French but HOLY $&#^!.

Please explain how they came to $240? Did they charge a diagnostic fee for something already figured out? Please post your invoice/paperwork from them. I want to see the breakdown.

Today the outside, ambient, temperature display on Sync started reading -40 degrees and fluctuating wildly. At the same time my AC stopped blowing cold air. The inside temp was set on 68 as usual. I manually moved it to "lo". Rebooted Sync etc. The AC never worked correctly and the outside air temp continued to be incorrect.

Is it possible my AC not working is related to a Sync malfunction? Or is the outside air temp suddenly displaying wrong just an unrelated issue. I am trying to determine whether to take the car to the dealer where Sync issues should be covered under warranty or to a local shop to have AC repaired. Would appreciate any insight as I am going to try to pull this off before work in the AM.

Today the outside, ambient, temperature display on Sync started reading -40 degrees and fluctuating wildly. At the same time my AC stopped blowing cold air. The inside temp was set on 68 as usual. I manually moved it to "lo". Rebooted Sync etc. The AC never worked correctly and the outside air temp continued to be incorrect.

Is it possible my AC not working is related to a Sync malfunction? Or is the outside air temp suddenly displaying wrong just an unrelated issue. I am trying to determine whether to take the car to the dealer where Sync issues should be covered under warranty or to a local shop to have AC repaired. Would appreciate any insight as I am going to try to pull this off before work in the AM.

That sensor is very crucial to the workings of the EATC (electronic automatic temperature control) system.

See the post below and you will see the sensor that needs to be looked at. Look for chaffed wires.

Today the outside, ambient, temperature display on Sync started reading -40 degrees and fluctuating wildly. At the same time my AC stopped blowing cold air. The inside temp was set on 68 as usual. I manually moved it to "lo". Rebooted Sync etc. The AC never worked correctly and the outside air temp continued to be incorrect.

Is it possible my AC not working is related to a Sync malfunction? Or is the outside air temp suddenly displaying wrong just an unrelated issue. I am trying to determine whether to take the car to the dealer where Sync issues should be covered under warranty or to a local shop to have AC repaired. Would appreciate any insight as I am going to try to pull this off before work in the AM.
Welcome to the Forum Jordan.:wave:
Your thread has been merged with this one identified by sheltonfilms. If you have a separate Sync issue, please post that in the "In Vehicle Technology" sub forum.


I bought a used 2013 Sport with 48,000 miles. I've had it a week and the only problem is the temperature is incapable of adjusting by degrees. It's either all hot or all cold. For instance, on the way to work i want it around 80 degrees but when I set the temperature via steering wheel, SYNC touchscreen, or car touch buttons to any degree besides HI, its cold. As soon as I move it to HI, it blows very hot air. If i want to decrease the hotness, it will not decrease until i move all the way to LOW. Doesn't matter what speed/power the fan is set to. Also doesn't matter if AC is enabled or disable. The last weird fact is the rear climate works perfectly normal. What do you think the problem is?
Was there a response to this? I'm having the same problem with my 2015 Ford Explorer Limited. The cabin temp gauge only works on HI or LO. I'm wondering if anyone knows the cost to fix this before I pay my dealership $80 for a diagnostic. Thank you!

Was there a response to this? I'm having the same problem with my 2015 Ford Explorer Limited. The cabin temp gauge only works on HI or LO. I'm wondering if anyone knows the cost to fix this before I pay my dealership $80 for a diagnostic. Thank you!
Any responses would be in this thread. In one case it looks like it was the ambient temperature control that was the issue. BTW, the member you quoted was last seen here on June 12, 2019.

