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Albino's about to get busier with Abby's half sister Gail

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$600 :thumbsup:Edit; for the Bii :p

i'll give you my dana 35 for $50 bucks.....take it off my hands. warn manual hubs and a lockrite in the diffs, 3.73's, 6" skyjacker coils with modified trailmaster drop brackets....bearings and seals will have to be replaced and it'll have to be really cleaned up since its been sitting for so long.

arsoul said:
i'll give you my dana 35 for $50 bucks.....take it off my hands. warn manual hubs and a lockrite in the diffs, 3.73's, 6" skyjacker coils with modified trailmaster drop brackets....bearings and seals will have to be replaced and it'll have to be really cleaned up since its been sitting for so long.
DONE DEAL! :thumbsup: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Edit; Anyone got an 8.8 they want to get rid of??????????? :D

Albino, I'll sell you my 8.8 in about 1.5 months. It shouldn't be much to ship from GA to WA. :p I like the B2 BTW. Is it gonna be your trail rig so you don't turn the white to brown on the Explorer? :D

Yup :D , at least after Moab. :cool:

This is my goal


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dreamr said:
are you gonna keep the Albino theme alive in the trail rig as well :cool:
I want to, then I can call it "Mini-Me" :D :D

But my son is tired of white cars. Not sure if I want to fight that fight :rolleyes:

No, you should do this one all black. Everything black and then you would have a good/evil theme. :)

dreamr said:
You mean, if I paint the Pony the same color as that HP-D30 I can have it???? :D

the Tuff Duff II is a REALLY nice rig.
But there are so many things I would (and am) do differently....

Talk to me 410.

This is supposed to be a cheap rig so don't get fancy on me.

First version is;
Arsoul's old D35 3.73 Lockrite w/6" lift up front
Home made extended RA's
8.8 3.73 SOA w/shackles in back. Maybe even folded shackles or 3/4 buggy springs but the folded shackles look to be more road friendly.
33's cause I've got them.

It's not going to have ANY power with those gears and tires but I'll deal with it for a while until I get 5.13's and jrgaylor set them up :D

Then we'll see where to go.

forgot to mention i have super lift extended radius arms as well. i'll give you a call

your about set P
I think I can get you a 28 spline 8.8 for $50, I have to check to see if the guy still has them.

jrgaylor said:
your about set P
I think I can get you a 28 spline 8.8 for $50, I have to check to see if the guy still has them.
28 spline hold up to 35's?? :eek:

I've been busy in the garage :D You're way behind Joe :p (I'm sure you'll catch up quickly ;) )

Ryan says those RA's originated on Rick's rig, then went to DWD before he got them. They ahve a history of being on great trucks, hope I can carry on the tradition :thumbsup:


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Albino 94LTD said:
28 spline hold up to 35's?? :eek:

What do you think is in S10 slayers ranger?
