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Chugging and Engine light


May 28, 2010
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SO here is the probelm. I had a new tail pipe installed yesterday since the old one looked like swiss cheese and would not pass state inspection. But driving home from the shop last night the engine was chugging quite a bit whenever I was idling at stop lights. THis morning the explorer died twice before I could get out of the parking lot and I had to put the car in neutral at stop lights on my way to work to keep it from dying on me. Once I got to work (only about 1.5 miles) I noticed the engine light came on, what a great way to start the day!

Any ideas? Could it have anything to do with the new exhaust, I only had the tail pipe replaced since there was about a 3 inch collar next to the muffler that was still in good shape.

1992 Explorer, 4x4, Eddie Bauer


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It could possibly have something to do with the new exhaust. Does or doesn't have to do with the new exhaust, the best first step would be to pull trouble codes from the computer (see the stickies in the EEC-IV forum).

x2 on the welding on an ungrounded vehicle. Another thing you may want to take a look at is the MAF sensor on the fresh air feed.......(closest to the air cleaner)'ll take a security torx 20 .........remove it and just try hosing it off with something like the electronic cleaner, (that fast drying stuff you can get at most hardware stores)........The sensors look sort of like a couple of light bulb careful when you remove it but it's not too bad.........make 'em look nice and shiney and see if that doesn't help...........? $ .02

chugging motor

SO here is the probelm. I had a new tail pipe installed yesterday since the old one looked like swiss cheese and would not pass state inspection. But driving home from the shop last night the engine was chugging quite a bit whenever I was idling at stop lights. THis morning the explorer died twice before I could get out of the parking lot and I had to put the car in neutral at stop lights on my way to work to keep it from dying on me. Once I got to work (only about 1.5 miles) I noticed the engine light came on, what a great way to start the day!

Any ideas? Could it have anything to do with the new exhaust, I only had the tail pipe replaced since there was about a 3 inch collar next to the muffler that was still in good shape.

1992 Explorer, 4x4, Eddie Bauer


yea i have a 94 xlt that does the same thing but the check engine light never goes off and i got mad as hell so i ripped out the MAF and air cleaner box and just left the intake tube there and this thing grew the biggest set of testicles ive ever seen now. it still studders at a dead stop until you roll on it at least 15% throttle then its hold on cause its shifting outta first at 40mph 5000rpms and coming outta second at 70mph 5000rpms. give that a shot see if it brings new life to it.

Try resetting the PCM!

Before you do pull you codes so we can help diagnose. You may need new 02 sensors.

So I was finally able to pull the codes (KOEO) and it in the first part I got a 539 and then after the one flash pause I got a 172. Then in the KOER I only got the 172 which according to this forum

Oxygen sensor not switching - system is or was lean - Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control"

Does this mean i just have a bad sensor, it could very well be the original part but I have no idea. If it is a problem with the O2 sensor can you clean that sensor or is it worth the $60 to just replace?


I don't think I've ever seen an x "chug" or "lope" at idle from an o2 sensor. The only time I've seen it do that is from high fuel pressure cause by a bad FPR which would also make the o2 sensor not switch since tons of fuel would be burned.

Just something else to think of..


Need some help too!

I too had some problems with my engine not giving any power at all and the engine light too was on. So I cleaned the MAF carefully as suggested and WHALAHHH! I have a very good engine power and the engine lights were gone.....BUT after a few days my engine light is on again! I still have my power so it is not the MAF.



bigfld63: Lean O2 sensor codes can be among the more difficult to diagnose. One fairly common strategy is like you're suggesting: replace the sensor and, if that doesn't fix it, then go into a more in depth diagnosis. Remember that a code points to problem in the specified circuit, of which the sensor is only part. Where you've recently had exhaust work done, the first thing I might do would be to make sure the sensor didn't get unplugged and not plugged back in or otherwise disconnected.

bisdak: as with the OP's problem, the best first step when the CEL is coming on is to pull codes from the computer. See the stickies in the EEC-IV forum for test protocol.

Thanks Mr Shorty

but i have read here that 1994 models are no longer effective or accurate when reading it thru the computer. how true is it?

thnx a lot

but i have read here that 1994 models are no longer effective or accurate when reading it thru the computer. how true is it?thnx a lot
I'm sorry to be dense, but what have you heard isn't effective or accurate?
