Crown Vic motor? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Crown Vic motor?


September 11, 2002
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91 xl
My uncle belongs to a police force and I was wondering, and I could just be thinking a bit crazy, I've been known to do that, but would a motor from one of the police Crown Vics fit in my 91 X? They're modified motors in them right? LEt me know Xperts....thanks guy, you guys are great....I know the answers should be roolin in here :)

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not unless you are into a lot of custom fabrication and/or have lots of money...... the engine used in the late model crown vics are a 4.6 liter, 281 cubic inch engine... basically a souped up mustang

Just curious...thanks...had a thought layin in bed last night and thought i'd see, IF one came in wrecked i was gonna see if he'd hook me up, but i'm not into all the fabs...what yr. mustang motor fits, i know i could find it, but since ur on here......

Jimmy.. the easiest engine to swap into your X is a 5.0. You can get those in almost any year mustang.. but you'd probably want a late model one. Like 92-95.

Also.. it will be very difficult to do a TT on your truck. You might want to go with the F150 coil spacers instead!

Hey section525, will the poly bushings from the site Rick is promoting work also, i saw some coil spacers on there also, and if I put a 4" susp, which would you recommend and how would I get the rear to match the front since it would be 6" with the coil spacers? Thanks for ur time..

The rear is the easiest thing to lift. You could raise it anywhere from 1/2" to 6" in a single shot.

I'm not sure what site you're talking about Rick promoting. But what most people are doing in conjunction with the shackles are adding F150 coil spacers. Basically they're about 1 1/2" thicker than stock.

If you're getting a suspension lift, I'd reccommend the Warrior shackles over something like add-a-leafs. They'll level you out nicely if you do the coil spacers too.

rick and hank have a thing going for poly bushings... they mount diff than the f150 spacers... but are essentially the same lift.....

The best bet for a fast Police motor would be a 5.0 out of a 1979-'93 poilce Mustang. It would fit, and be powerful to boot.

i gues with the 1/2 to 6" ur talkin aout is goin w/ the soa? how muh would that give me and what springs do you recommend, money's somewhat tight, but not too bad, gimme good, then gimme great...incase I come into some cash....I guess ithis is a mix thread....motor and

hey im from PA too..... youll have to et together with all of us sometime.

i want to sometime..I have to do somethings to my X first before i start wheelin with it... it has 155k on it so I have to tune it up and do the gaskets. do you recommend any special tpe of lifters, I heard that's a good thing to do to these(change the lifters)...I'm not a mechanic, but I sure love to get muddy..

i wouldnt change anything in the top end unless it needs changed..... it will start to clatter a bit and let you know......

would you hear the clatter at high or low rpm's. sometimes when I'm low in the gears i can hear a clatter, thought it was bad gas, i went to 89, somewhat gone now.....I thought since I'm gonna have the top of the motor apart doin all the gaskets , why not? any thoughts?
