custom tailgate | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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custom tailgate


Well-Known Member
February 12, 2013
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91 XLT
So I bought this 98 ranger ext cab 4wd to replace the explorer for daily driver duties, and it needs some work. The tailgate is basically beyond repair, and I figure, if it needs to be replaced, I may as well build something custom instead of buying another from the junkyard or something (around here, good luck finding one that isn't rotted out).

I want to make ti hinge down like stock, made with a square tube frame, and some sort of lock like a trailer tailgate, simple and reliable like leash locks or barn door bolt locks, etc. What I am torn on is whether I should build it with a solid sheet metal skin on the outside, bent to match the body lines somewhat, or to make a regular flat tailgate with a tube frame but expended steel mesh like I used on the explorer roof rack.

I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons between the designs and I'm just looking for you guy's thoughts and oppinions.
