Cutting exhaust after muffler? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cutting exhaust after muffler?


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June 9, 2005
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Im going to cut my stock exhaust right after to muffler and put a turndown on it. I figure when I upgrade my muffler I can put it right on and not have to worry about connecting or getting a new pipe for after the muffler.

Plus it should maybe help sound and preformance a very small % correct?.


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Mine is like that now and I gotta tell ya, it gets annoying. I'm getting mine redone soon. Sounds OK but its loud and I don't think I have much backpressure, which means negative performance gains.

Mine is cut too. No turn-down though. It's slightly louder. Mine actually freed up some HP though.

I dont think you loose to much back pressure because the pipe didnt have many bends anyways, and is only about 3 feet long on my 91.

do you have a v8 hartman?


The only thing you should gain by cutting the tailpipe at the muffler is a little carbon monoxide. But dont worry the death from carbon monxide poisioning is supposed to be painless.

Nobody saw that coming. :rolleyes:

The only thing you should gain by cutting the tailpipe at the muffler is a little carbon monoxide. But dont worry the death from carbon monxide poisioning is supposed to be painless

ya you always get atleats one loser making some unaplicable comment like this. I doubt I would take in any more co2 at all aswell there are many vehicles out there with side exit exhaust which would be even worse.

so thx anways, post again when you have something to contribute.

Keith303 said:
ya you always get atleats one loser making some unaplicable comment like this. I doubt I would take in any more co2 at all aswell there are many vehicles out there with side exit exhaust which would be even worse.

so thx anways, post again when you have something to contribute.
So Keith
Pls explaine to F150 SVT owners, Roush stang owners and me how side exhaust is worse?


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Im saying it would be more possible to smell the fumes from side exit vs. having it dumped right out the muffler, since the muffler is abit further away from the window.

I didnt mean worse, as in the grand scheme of things but just worse then it being dumped under the car.

Not that either way is even any more noticable then rear exit

Keith303 said:
Im saying it would be more possible to smell the fumes from side exit vs. having it dumped right out the muffler, since the muffler is abit further away from the window.

I didnt mean worse, as in the grand scheme of things but just worse then it being dumped under the car.

Not that either way is even any more noticable then rear exit
Well your wrong on all counts, or it would not be legal to run side exhaust

What are you talking about, Im not wrong about anything. everything I said is plausable.

and actually you are wrong. Stock side exit exzhaust is fine, aslong as the muffler isnt deleted its the exact same. side exit(exiting before rear tire).

even some early 2000 f150s exited before the tire.

Dont post unless you know what your taling about.

If you cut the exhaust, NEVER run with the back glass open, it WILL suck the fumes right inside.... :thumbdwn:

Keith303 said:
What are you talking about, Im not wrong about anything. everything I said is plausable.

and actually you are wrong. Stock side exit exzhaust is fine, aslong as the muffler isnt deleted its the exact same. side exit(exiting before rear tire).

even some early 2000 f150s exited before the tire.

Dont post unless you know what your taling about.
Keith, your 100% correct, you dissed unclemeat above, and I do know what I am talking about, lighten up guy :D

sry about my tone. Anyways I cut it off and put a turndown on right after the muffler. Noticable deeper sound, more so in the low rpms.

Give um enough rope they will hang themselves, or in this case poision themselves.

I must be a walking dead man because i'm fine after 2 years.

Hartman said:
I must be a walking dead man because i'm fine after 2 years.

Hmm maybe those noxious fumes have gotten to me. :D

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I just changed mine to a short tube with a down turn before the axle. On the freeway in slow trafic, I smell the fumes more than I did before I changed it. It seems to be comming in the vents more. If I turn off the ac it's not as strong, might just be LA traffic, or there might be more fumes under the car when going slow.
