Damaged fuel rail crossover line | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Damaged fuel rail crossover line


Third Gen Collector
Elite Explorer
October 16, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Sparks, NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
A Troop Of Gen 3s
The gray/black line that connects the fuel rails got sliced open. In removing the line from the fuel rail, it appears that it could be replaced with hose that can withstand the pressure, and a couple of clamps. The fittings on the rails themselves are barbed and there aren't any clamps on there from the factory. Thoughts?

The gray/black line that connects the fuel rails got sliced open. In removing the line from the fuel rail, it appears that it could be replaced with hose that can withstand the pressure, and a couple of clamps. The fittings on the rails themselves are barbed and there aren't any clamps on there from the factory. Thoughts?

It is my understanding that fuel can eat through several types of rubber which would throw up several red flags for potential problems. I would imagine the correct replacement would be fairly inexpensive. I'd just replace it with the correct line and skip a potential headache.
