Dannyboy's new(to me) F350 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dannyboy's new(to me) F350


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Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 16, 2001
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City, State
43°48′48″N 91°13′59″W
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 4 do'
So I've got a buddy who tells me his F350 is going up for sale, '95 Crew Cab Long Bed, I know it's got Dana 60s and a strong 460 motor with only 98000 miles. I figure what the hell, buy it, either clean it up and drive it or part it out. It's a fun truck that I buffed out in 3 hours to make the paint look new again from being really oxidized.

What do you think?

Not bad for $3000??????


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Looks pimp. I think FROADER would be very interested in it when you're done. :D

Nice bargain. Those older F-series seem to hold their value well.

Now you need to swaped the drivetrain into your explorer! :)

Damn, 3k!?!? I've been trying to find something like that, except with a 7.3 diesel (I'd prefer stock so I can modify everything myself). That's awesome. Any specs on it? (lift, tires, etc)

looks like you made out with a deal. I like it - especially the color :thumbsup:

Hows the gas mileage? :)

thats a nice f350 danny you should buy it looks nice. I need something like that for a work truck since I do construction.

mm nice i like it alot!!

hell amn that thing is AWESOME. i love those body style f series trucks. your lucky, and for only 3k. but the 460 and gas..they arent friends at all

It's got a billet grill, 6" lift, 35" Mud terrains, they must be old cause they're loud as hell. Haven't figured out gas mileage yet, but I know it's not good, probably like 8-9.

It' needs a a/c unit and I was told the radiator leaks but it doesn't and a cracked windshield. I towed the Explorer with it to the tranny shop, it did great and is already wired up with break controls. I looked like I was stuck in the mid 90's hauling my 2 ford trucks around. Think of the chicks I could have pulled in 96 with this setup.
