FAT CAT's new tow/camping van | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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FAT CAT's new tow/camping van

Looks great, Chris! How about a pic of it towing the Ex?

Do you have these registered in CA, still, or MEX?

Thanks all!

The trailer is another thing I need to get to work on. You can see it in the first picture of the van with the engine next to it: It's leaning against the wall on the side of the van. I have 2 axles for it and need to get the frame beefed a bit & add lights.

The Explorer is still registered in California, but I think I'm going to have a hard time getting it smogged next June:eek:

We didn't put any smog stuff on the van after the rebuild so I'm thinking I'll import it into Mexico.

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Ebay Score!:D

Well, I wasn't going to worry about the interior for a while, but I found a complete set of conversion van seats on Ebay for $280!

The rear seat even folds into a bed:cool:

They are up near Long Beach & I'll pick them up sometime next week.


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Wow thats awsome CG

let me know if you need any help there Chris, my new office is to far from the LBC;)

I still have the rear bench seat and 3 chairs sitting in my '84 van. Charis are captain/spinning chairs.. Rear bench is 80's conversion van style.. works, but nothing fancy..

I've had two people say they want the chairs, but no one has come by to get them. Once I have my tow vehicle working again the Van goes to a yard.. Your welcome to the chairs/bench for dirt cheap.

They are light brown (chairs) and the bed/bench is dark brown in typical 80's conversion van fabric.


edit: they are in this van.. and the captain chairs have flat bases..


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let me know if you need any help there Chris, my new office is to far from the LBC;)


Where are you working now? I remember you were looking for something new, but I don't know if you found anything...

Hopefully its an internet cookie co. & we get discounts;)

I still have the rear bench seat and 3 chairs sitting in my '84 van. Charis are captain/spinning chairs.. Rear bench is 80's conversion van style.. works, but nothing fancy..

I've had two people say they want the chairs, but no one has come by to get them. Once I have my tow vehicle working again the Van goes to a yard.. Your welcome to the chairs/bench for dirt cheap.

They are light brown (chairs) and the bed/bench is dark brown in typical 80's conversion van fabric.


edit: they are in this van.. and the captain chairs have flat bases..

Well, there ya go Froader!

That reminds me, I need to get a couple bases for the center Captains chairs...I think this same seller has some on Ebay.

This sofa/bed is what I was following first; then I found the whole set.

That is exactly what I want. When I can afford it I'll start checking ebay. That one is only 15 miles from my house! Pretty good price too.

Mark, I'm going to PM you.

Both vehicles are friggin sweet!


Where are you working now? I remember you were looking for something new, but I don't know if you found anything...

Hopefully its an internet cookie co. & we get discounts;)

New place is called WSS or Warehouse Shoe Sale, we have about 50 stores in so cal, but no internet. :(

They made a offer I could not refuse, with a nice fat raise. Plus I get my own office, gas card, phone, flexiable hours.:thumbsup:

The drive kinda sucks though:rolleyes:

Took some time over the Easter Weekend to work on the van:

We stripped out most everything from the inside & gave it good wash;




Then the sound/heat shield went in:


Then the black floor carpet and the seats were installed and I started spraying black to the panels and engine cover to update them:






This area will be closed off by a curtain and the rear door and will have a porta potti in it. I will be adding solar panel vent to vent it;



Its amazing how much quieter it is inside now while driving. All that's left is to put on the roof rack, add the main solar panel to the roof and fix the main AC system.

I'll be doing a few other small projects (like the headliner) but thats the most of it!

Awesome Chris!! I don't remember, but do any of your buckets swivel?

Can it be ready to tow the explorer to Truck Haven by April 19th? :)

Yup, the two front seats can swivel around to face the rear & I can set up a little table there & four people can eat or play cards etc...

Later, I'll redo the headliner & install the flip down TV & some new speakers & lights.

I'm still in the "Maybe" section for Truckhaven, but I hope it will be ready to go If I can.

This van is perfect for my gold prospecting adventures down here in BAJA. When I'm done, I should be able to live out of it for a week at a time.

Yeah this is looking great -- awesome job on the sound/heat shield material.

Hey Chris, are the seats grey or beige? <-- Nevermind...

I just saw this and might get them.

Do you have any pics of how they mounted?

Thanks all!

Froader, that's the same guy I bought mine from. I sent you a pm about him a while ago....

His name is Jimmy & he buys cheep fleet vans & redoes the interior & ships them off to sell in Japan. He's got a bunch of seat sets there.

I bought two bases for the middle seats from him & just mounted the front seats to the existing front bases. I also got a roll of black carpet from him.

That back seat folds down into a small bed, but you should ask him for the third seat back, then when unfolded its a good size bed.

I think I got the seats, bases, carpet and the third bed part for $500 total.

Are you going to paint the van to match the explorer?

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