DIY EPOXY GARAGE / SHOP FLOOR COATINGS | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My new garage is almost done and I want the brand new concrete floor coated before either of the following occurs: a)winter arrives or b) I have to change oil/tranny fluid/hydro fluid/etc and do an Exon Valdez all over the floor.

No, I’m not going to hire it done. Got bids already, lowest is about $3 billion and would require a new mortgage. Oh, and as a plus, the earliest anyone can do it is December/January so that’s a no it’s a DIY or bust.

For background, the garage is 24×30. I do a lot of mechanical stuff, outboards, small engines, ag equipment, aircraft engines (non-turbine only now due to neighborhood Karen’s constant b!tching about test-runs) , etc. Lots of fluid spills and inevitable.

Interested in hearing from those of you who have done it yourself. What product did you use and how is it holding up?

I did the Rustoleum stuff on my parent’s last 2 garages. I would not have done that product, but that’s what dad wanted to do/pay for. My impressions are that it’s okay for the cost and if you don’t mind redoing parts of it every few years. I won’t be going with this for my garage.

Have heard good things about Epoxy-Coat products. Anyone done this brand and how many mils did you do? Major concern with this one is how slippery is it when done?

My new garage is almost done and I want the brand new concrete floor coated before either of the following occurs: a)winter arrives or b) I have to change oil/tranny fluid/hydro fluid/etc and do an Exon Valdez all over the floor.

No, I’m not going to hire it done. Got bids already, lowest is about $3 billion and would require a new mortgage. Oh, and as a plus, the earliest anyone can do it is December/January so that’s a no it’s a DIY or bust.

For background, the garage is 24×30. I do a lot of mechanical stuff, outboards, small engines, ag equipment, aircraft engines (non-turbine only now due to neighborhood Karen’s constant b!tching about test-runs) , etc. Lots of fluid spills and inevitable.

Interested in hearing from those of you who have done it yourself. What product did you use and how is it holding up?

I did the Rustoleum stuff on my parent’s last 2 garages. I would not have done that product, but that’s what dad wanted to do/pay for. My impressions are that it’s okay for the cost and if you don’t mind redoing parts of it every few years. I won’t be going with this for my garage.

Have heard good things about Epoxy-Coat products epoxy flooring lake havasu. Anyone done this brand and how many mils did you do? Major concern with this one is how slippery is it when done?
thanks in advance for any help

the coatings are good, sure, but have ad good luck with those rubber tiles. since worst come to worst just toss it and get a new one. but behr makes a good one

I have wanted to do epoxy coating on my garage floor for years. But I'm also very hard on my garage floor. Oils, chemicals, paint, dragging stuff, welding, grinding. I'm told it's best to just leave it bare. 🤷
