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Does anybody know what this is ?


Active Member
October 24, 2009
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City, State
Irwin (Near Pittsburgh) PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 X, 89 Bronco II
I had my 4.0 from a 94 X on the engine stand and I was going to replace to oil pan gasket when I realized two of the bolts that I was using to hold it to the stand were into the oil pan da. So I had to get the hoist out and flip the engine around on the stand and I heard this little part hit the floor I have know idea where it came from but my luck its the friggen nuclear reactor key that if installed wrong will end the world. If anyone knows what this is please let me know. Thanks


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Looks like the small "key" that fits the front whell hub spindle on my Bronco II. I've never taken apart my Explorer, but it might be similar.


That's what I say it is too. Did you work on the brakes?

As Craig said it looks exactly like the key used to retain the HUB spindle nut..



Could be. I'm doing a 4.0 and axle swap into my 89 B2 and I had every thing apart. Found out the manual hubs were bad from the donor so maybe when I was looking at the hubs I was standing over the engine... who knows? Thanks for your reply.

Are those spacers used in both auto and manual hubs? I had both apart cause I had several axles... long story. I'm sure after seeing the pictures that is what it is. I guess the world is safe. Thanks guys

Are those spacers used in both auto and manual hubs? ...

The Key is only used on the AutoHub nut to prevent if from loosening up.. Manuals use a diff setup with the parts below:


a total PITA! That's what that bugger is!

Thanks guys your the best. While I'm at it and the engine is out I'm changing gaskets. I have a Fel-Pro oil pan gasket it came with my Melling HV oil pump. What are your thoughts on using RTV with the gasket. I tried to go to Fel-Pro but no help. Some say yes some no some say just on the corners and ends. I just don't want to put this engine in and have an oil gasket or timing cover gasket leak. Something that you don't have to take the engine out doesn't bother me but I'd be piss$d if I have to pull the engine again. What are people doing? Let me know if you've been there done that. Thanks

Thanks guys your the best. While I'm at it and the engine is out I'm changing gaskets. I have a Fel-Pro oil pan gasket it came with my Melling HV oil pump. What are your thoughts on using RTV with the gasket. I tried to go to Fel-Pro but no help. Some say yes some no some say just on the corners and ends. I just don't want to put this engine in and have an oil gasket or timing cover gasket leak. Something that you don't have to take the engine out doesn't bother me but I'd be piss$d if I have to pull the engine again. What are people doing? Let me know if you've been there done that. Thanks

If it helps, mine has nothing but orange RTV on the oil pan. It came that way at 150K, so I don't know when it was done. Has it held up well? There's some oil on the pan but I can't tell where it's coming from. Looks almost like it's coming from elsewhere up front, like around the timing chain cover.

ETA or at least I assume that's all that's there. But that's the way it looks

Shaggymane, Thanks for your reply. This new RTV is amazing. I'm definitely going to use the Fel-Pro gasket. The debate is should I use RTV with it. Fel-Pro gave no instructions in the box. My first instinct is to just use to gasket without any RTV but I've read that you should use some RTV on the humps and the corners. If you didn't have to pull the engine to replace the oil pan gasket I wouldn't be sweating it. I'm just wondering what others are doing.

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