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Does Sirius Travel Link Work For You?


Well-Known Member
March 27, 2011
City, State
Grand Blanc, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Limited 302A
It's states that I'm subscribed in the settings but I can not get the weather map or fuel prices to show up. It states no data available.

Does your work?

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Mine works fine. Pulled up a weather map this morning. I know that I have browsed gas prices and movie listings in the past.


Just got my Explorer limited over the weekend and all travel link data does show up. Can anyone confirm that nav integration works? I have my traffic options set to notify me of in-route problems and not auto re-route. So if I'm using guidance to a destination and there is some sort of traffic problem on the programmed route, does Travel Link popup on the screen?

Yes your Nav system will show you a pop up. You can then look at details of the issue, reroute or close the advisory.

My travel link works very well for me. I recently took a long trip to Florida and back, used the gas pricing information, weather and traffic information throughtout the journey.

Yes your Nav system will show you a pop up. You can then look at details of the issue, reroute or close the advisory.

My travel link works very well for me. I recently took a long trip to Florida and back, used the gas pricing information, weather and traffic information throughtout the journey.

+1. I took a trip with my Explorer the first week and everything worked. It even popped a traffic advisory when we first started our trip, but I wasn't sure where it came from so ignored it because I was cruising at 65 mph at the time and I did not recognize the location (though it turned out it was on our route). I regretted this as we hit a ton of traffic which had us on the road more than an hour longer than planned.

Guess I should call Sirius.

Mine works well too. I get radar maps and fuel pricing no problem.

I will call Sirus and have them resend the signal. I'll report back.

Mine's not working either. I have 2.8 and it did work when I first got the X about a month ago. The gas works but the other categories show an hour glass and never fully update.

Called Sirius and they resent the signal several times. I seen my radio display read "updating subscription" but travel link still does not work!

Now what? Don't want to let the dealer touch it.

drober30 & dinom,

I can definitely understand why you would want your Travel Link to work as it should, and I’d like to see if I can help. From previous communications, I have your Explorer’s info, so please send me your approximate mileage and dealer name if you would like me to assist.


So today all seems to be working OK. I didn't pull any fuses or anything. Go figure.

Thanks for all the support.


I have used the weather map a lot. This week it is taking 15-20 minutes to update after starting, not sure why. I don't see a way to "request" a refresh.

Just got my Explorer limited over the weekend and all travel link data does show up. Can anyone confirm that nav integration works? I have my traffic options set to notify me of in-route problems and not auto re-route. So if I'm using guidance to a destination and there is some sort of traffic problem on the programmed route, does Travel Link popup on the screen?

Traffic integration is AMAZING in the Los Angeles area. I have gotten to where I put in work everyday on my way to work, just so I can make sure the route is clear.

We used it numerous times over the last 2 weeks on trips to la airport, disneyland, universal studios, various places in downtown, and beverly hills. It took me on roads I didn't even know existed, and we could see the stopped traffic on the freeway that was paralleled. If I was in previous vehicles I would have been stopped with the rest of those poor saps. Our longest trip was just under one hour, where in the past that same trip would have taken us roughly 2 hours. At first we were questioning it having us get off at certain unknown areas, but now we say "better do what it says". :)

+1. I took a trip with my Explorer the first week and everything worked. It even popped a traffic advisory when we first started our trip, but I wasn't sure where it came from so ignored it because I was cruising at 65 mph at the time and I did not recognize the location (though it turned out it was on our route). I regretted this as we hit a ton of traffic which had us on the road more than an hour longer than planned.

Like I said above, my wife and I have decided we will "just do what it says" from now on. My first experience was very similar to yours :)

I have used the weather map a lot. This week it is taking 15-20 minutes to update after starting, not sure why. I don't see a way to "request" a refresh.

Glad you mentioned the above because today was the first time I tried the weather and it just sat there doing nothing. The traffic and gas prices worked fine on the other hand. Have yet to see a single weather map but didn't wait that long to be honest, will try another time.:rolleyes:

ps: Using Sync 2.8

Tried again today, same thing. When I press "I" and go to"Info" page the box that says weather has a timer in the left hand side, kinda like a computer hourglass that just sits there. Starting to wonder if mine works at all. Everything else on that info page except "Movies" seems to work fine, Movies has same hourglass and never tried it.

No such luck for me. I'm from Canakistan and our gov't won't let us see stuff like that. For the weather I have to look out my window. Gas prices I can see when I drive by the gas stations. Oh by the way. Our gas prices are regulated and only change once a week. God Bless CANACKISTAN, land that I love. I can go on the internet and chat with whoever I want, share whatever info I want, cell phone companies can track my whereabouts through my phone and store it on some unsecure sever somewhere, where someone can hack into it and get my daily routine. Or they could just follow me. BUT, I can't get into my car and ask for directions, Heaven forbid. Next they'll say I have to wear tinfoil on my head so the aliens can't follow me. Unbelievable. Used to live in the Live Free or Die State. Loved it. Just hate being told by an elected official what I can do with MY Information. Now wheres that tinfoil............

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Maybe Sirius thinks I moved to Canada!

The last 2 1/2 weeks, I have no traffic and no weather.
3 calls to Sirius and all they can do is send a signal (which gives no response on my unit).

I get radio signal, Nav tracks me (though the GPS is lost a lot).
Could I have a bad antenna?
