door ajar buzzer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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door ajar buzzer


New Member
March 14, 2004
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City, State
Orange City, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Ranger
I have a 1995 Ranger and the door ajar light stays on with the door shut and the warning chime keeps on chiming and chiming. The only way I have been able to stop that annoying chiming is to pull the fuse, but then the speedometer and wipers dont work either. I found the module that is chiming but there must be 20 wires going to it and I dont know which one to disconnect

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Spray WD40 on the door sensor. I believe that it is between the two door hinges.

there actually should be a harness going to the speaker thing, just unplug the whole thing

I sprayed wd40 on the hinges and it worked for a little while. It started chiming again so I tried wd40 again but it didn't work anymore.

Same exact thing happened to me. my problem was the driver door switch located in the latch. I removed the door panel and disconnected the switch and the problem went away. One of these days I should try to use cleaner and WD and get it fixed so it will beep of the door is not completely closed.
