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electric fan

That was the other major brand of controller, a hard name to recall. Take some measurements of the fan before you start, plus pictures.

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The fan doesn't fit. Blades are damn sharp though. I got it, measured clearance from the threaded nub that holds the stock fan on to the rad and it looked to be 4 1/4 inch, taurus fan from what I could get for a measurement seemed a hair smaller so I thought I was good. Cut up the taurus fan, get it all mounted, goto put it in doesn't fit. Bring it back, readjust, put it in, doesn't fit. The threaded nub keeps getting in the way from feeding the shroud all the way in. I throw everything in the truck, goto the shop at work. Goto grind the damn nub off but it looks like the plate that holds the pully on there is threaded onto a shaft that comes outta the water pump, so can't grind it down or the water pump won't work. So I try to compress the fan blades tighter onto the motor so I can take a little off the shaft that holds the blades on, it's like 1/16 of an inch I need here. Well the (enter much explicit language at high volume) fan blade assembly broke off. $70 fan is now junk. Woooo friggin hooooo. The motor just just slightly too large to fit, unless a water pump without that nub can be bought and put in.

Sorry to hear that trouble. How thick actually was the Taurus fan, from the backside of motor, to the frontside of the fan blades(shroud outer lip)?

I had plenty of room, if I had needed to trim more away from the front of my Volvo fan. I am not suggesting that anyone buy this fan, I really would rather have a Ford fan, or a more easily replaceable motor. I was hoping that the Taurus fan would fit. If you tell me that there was some front fan shroud left that could be cut off, then I'll looking at those also.


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I trimmed the shroud on the taurus fan so it was flush with the stock rad shroud against the rad. I put it as close as I could towards the rad. After the fan blades broke off the motor I stuck the motor between the water pump nub and against the rad and it doesn't fit. Just the motor doesn't fit with the shaft. I know I read on here people have installed it, there was even a how to, but it's some kind of miracle because the motor to nub don't fit. Unless there's something different from SOHC and OHV.

Just found the thread for the taurus fan install.


Turns out he cut that nub off but looking at it it looks like the plate that holds the water pump pully on threads onto that.

Interesting, and that link has no pics. I'd like to see the pump shaft shortened. I have my 302 in my Mountaineer that I want to build a fan for. I was planning to use either a Mark VIII fan or the Taurus fan, depending on which would fit.\

If just the motor is too thick, that kills the idea. We'll need to see how much can come off of the water pump first.
