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Well-Known Member
June 30, 2006
City, State
Pittsfield, Ma
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 4.0 XLT 4x4 5R55W 3.55
I looked around and couldn't find my problem or even figure out what you would call it. But when my truck is running in park and I turn on my rear window defroster my truck beeps a couple of times while unlocking the drivers side door and turning on the interior lights, but if I'm driving everything still happens except the interior don't turn on. My buddy mentioned something that there may be a body control module but in my search I came across a ton of BCM's and none seemed to have been what I was looking for.

Also when I turn off my truck my door lock on the drivers side switch is fully functional until I pull the key out of the ignition then all the other door lock switches will work except the driver side's switch. I changed the switch out twice once with an aftermarket switch and then one from ford. I know all the wiring in the door is good I've had it all fixed.

Any ideas? I'm sure it's quite possible that the two problems could be caused by the same defective part.

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I looked around and couldn't find my problem or even figure out what you would call it. But when my truck is running in park and I turn on my rear window defroster my truck beeps a couple of times while unlocking the drivers side door and turning on the interior lights, but if I'm driving everything still happens except the interior don't turn on. My buddy mentioned something that there may be a body control module but in my search I came across a ton of BCM's and none seemed to have been what I was looking for.

Also when I turn off my truck my door lock on the drivers side switch is fully functional until I pull the key out of the ignition then all the other door lock switches will work except the driver side's switch. I changed the switch out twice once with an aftermarket switch and then one from ford. I know all the wiring in the door is good I've had it all fixed.

Any ideas? I'm sure it's quite possible that the two problems could be caused by the same defective part.

Do a forum "search" for "door ajar" issues and check for "broken wires" that go thru the driver side door, rubber boot to the body of the vehicle. To check on the wires, remove the door panel and remove the speaker from the door and use the speaker opening as an access hole to check for broken wires. Gently pull on each wire in the wire bundle and see if they pull back inside the door, broken in half. If one or more are broken, you'll have to reconnect them using a short section of 12 gauge wire for added length and either solder them together or use "butt" crimp connectors. The wires are color coded.

I've already corrected the broken wires and door ajar issues so I know it's not that, unfortunately.

Do a forum "search" for "door ajar" issues and check for "broken wires" that go thru the driver side door, rubber boot to the body of the vehicle. To check on the wires, remove the door panel and remove the speaker from the door and use the speaker opening as an access hole to check for broken wires. Gently pull on each wire in the wire bundle and see if they pull back inside the door, broken in half. If one or more are broken, you'll have to reconnect them using a short section of 12 gauge wire for added length and either solder them together or use "butt" crimp connectors. The wires are color coded.

I'm about to start tackling my door ajar problem. Do you recall what color wire(s) control the door ajar switch on the driver's door? I would assume the ground wire is black, but what about the other wire to the switch?

2002 XLT 4.6 V8

