Electronic coolant temperature sensor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Electronic coolant temperature sensor


August 2, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Vestavia Hills, ALABAMA!
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Sport
I need to replace this sensor and I am not sure where it is located. Anyone have any ideas?

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yzrnxkn- (What the hell is that? :confused: Let me guess :banghead: - you have a Yamaha motorcycle -yzr - you have a Nissan NX - and both have a K&N air filter. How far off am I?) ;)

Could you provide more info? What year is your Explorer? What engine do you have 4.0L OHV, 4.0L SOHC, or the 5.0L? I have a manual and can check for you, but I need to know more.

PS Can you tell I really dig those smiley things?

Well, that was pretty creative, but no cigar. It really stands for young zebras running naked....um, nevermind about that.
Really, it is my work user ID. easy for me to remember and it has no relation to anything else.
Anyway, I completely forgot to add that info in when I posted that. I finally found it under the passenger airbag, running up beside the radio. It helps to controls several things including the tranny torque converter.
My explorer (98 EB 4.0 SOHC) was having problems shifting from 2nd to 3rd and was overheating. This little sensor was causing the the mess. (Dealership wanted to charge me 2600 to change out the "broken" tranny :mad: ) Mr. Transmission founf the problem and told me my tranny was fine, for free. Big shout out to Mr. Transmission :) .
Thanks for the reply

What smiley things? ;)

Very creative! :smoke: I'm glad the hear that you figured out your issue. Got to love those dealerships, huh? :shoot:

Sender is at the front pass side of the engine under the TB or intake manifold, ECT and gauge temp sender are near each other on the lower intake manifold.

Sourced from Haynes Manual

I took my 1999 ford explorer to the dealer for a recall and now my temperature gauge is not working. I think they may have inadvertently disconnected the sensor. Can someone please send me a pic or description of the location where I can find the sensor?

Thank you in advance,

