elevated idle on startup, normal? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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elevated idle on startup, normal?

idle will be higher at start up and drop....

p.s your ac on?

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no knock sensor on OHV

i have also been wondering if knock sensors loose accuracy with age, i replaced one on my mothers car which would barely run at all, and it ran quite a bit better with a new one. but hers was cracked and was throwing a code mine is not. . . .

In an earlier post you stated that you have an OHV. The SOHC V6 has a knock sensor but your OHV does not.

very normal.

the higher idle at start up is to speed up the process into close loop operations.

alrighty, well then i suppose shes running like a champ!

Do you have a code scanner?

Or access to someone that does? Remember the tach tends to read a bit optimistic and when my tach indicates 1000 rpm I am actually running 800-850 rpm according to my code scanner logs...

I started my truck this morning and when cold the tach showed 1500 rpm and the scanner read 1200 rpm...After about 20-30 secs, the tach dropped to 1000 rpm indicated where the scanner reads 850 rpm...

The only variable here, to me, would be if your ECT sensor is outputting an incorrect but in range value to the PCM...Depending on coolant temp the ECT will vary its resistance to the PCM to let it know what the coolant temp is and whether more or less fuel is needed...That sensor for the OHV is less than $20 and screws into the front of the intake manifold...

I changed both The ECT and temp gauge sending unit when I changed the engine last spring...I changed them since I didn't know the time in service and wanted to start with new sensors...And this is one of the sensors that could cause erratic engine operation...And I am not saying your engine is running erratically...It seems to be running fine...

Or access to someone that does? Remember the tach tends to read a bit optimistic and when my tach indicates 1000 rpm I am actually running 800-850 rpm according to my code scanner logs...

I started my truck this morning and when cold the tach showed 1500 rpm and the scanner read 1200 rpm...After about 20-30 secs, the tach dropped to 1000 rpm indicated where the scanner reads 850 rpm...

The only variable here, to me, would be if your ECT sensor is outputting an incorrect but in range value to the PCM...Depending on coolant temp the ECT will vary its resistance to the PCM to let it know what the coolant temp is and whether more or less fuel is needed...That sensor for the OHV is less than $20 and screws into the front of the intake manifold...

I changed both The ECT and temp gauge sending unit when I changed the engine last spring...I changed them since I didn't know the time in service and wanted to start with new sensors...And this is one of the sensors that could cause erratic engine operation...And I am not saying your engine is running erratically...It seems to be running fine...

i know exactly which sensor you are talking about. i will probably replace it just for the heck of it if its that cheap. O2 sensors will be getting replaced as well.

do coil packs wear out or are they all or nothing? i am thinking about replacing that as well, i would like to find a good "performance" one but i do not know which brands are good or not or where a good place to look would be. suggestions?
