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Engine ate my glove. Should I worry?


Well-Known Member
October 29, 2012
City, State
Colorado Springs, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Lincoln Aviator
Got my nitrile glove a little too close to an open manifold port and it sucked in about half a digit of my nitrile glove with the engine running. I'm kinda thinking this is no big deal. Probably just got melted and spit out the tail pipe in the form of some toxic gas.

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Did the motor "Turn its head and cough?" Seriously, if anything, it rubbed a little carbon off one of the intake vavles before it was disintegrated in the cylinder and blow into the exhaust. Take a fresh glove and place it over the tailpipe with a heavy rubberband. Then tell one of your buddies what happened and start the car. The glove will inflate, burst and you've just recreated an old Three Stooges episode.

No worrys. Its long gone.

But it is funny. I know of people who did the right thing by stuffing a rag down the intake throat when working on a carburetor, and then forgot to take it out. At least when you swallow something, you can go the hospital and get your stomach pumped. An engine? Not so much.

Initially I panicked but after a few seconds I figured it can't go much harm so I opened the throttle to get it out while the engine was hot.

Everytime I read "engine ate my glove" it just makes me laugh. Glad you engines fine. The mental image is just to funny.

Was it accompanied by the phrase, "Now you're going to feel a little pressure...."?

cant be worse than when I was doing a compression test on the 4.0 with the intake manifold off... I had put paper towel wads in ea. intake port previously while working on engine to prevent debris, tools, screws etc from falling down into the cylinders or chambers....

Needless to say... I forgot.

reer-reer-reer... WOOPS!
I got lucky. Just sucked 2 paper towels about 1-2" down into the ports. If anything went past a valve it was minor. But it could have been very very bad!

Sorry about the bad incident but this thread is worth its weight in gold. Funny stuff.

"Did it turn it head and cough?" LOL classic.:thumbsup:

Did your Lincoln start singing "Moon River"?

Great post!

Just love these stories. Reminds me of a friend of mine who had a home built airplane in his garage and decided to start it up to see how his new hand built wooden prop that he had spent all winter shaping would perform. He forgot about the wood hollow core slab door that he had leaning against the wall. He watched in horror as his new prop sucked in the door and everything was reduced to kindling on the floor. Not funny for him but he was sure the brunt of jokes for a while.

One kid here put a spark plug backwards dont ask me how but when they cranked it it shot int the hood

Today I pulled the intake off again to replace the gaskets. Didn't find any remains of the glove so I think it was absorbed. But I did find my 1/4" ratchet I was looking for. It was under the intake on top of the block. ;)
