Engine harness help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine harness help


December 24, 2007
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City, State
Greenville, SC
I bought a 97 4x4 without the engine. Evidently the engine went and the owner decided he couldn't afford to fix it. The Exporer had a 4.0L SOHC and I purchased a used engine from a 98 Explorer with a 4.0L SOHC but it was 2-wheel drive. I cannot get the new engine started. A Ford mechanic told me the engine wiring harness might not be compatible. Anyone out there knows this to be true? How do I check? If so, where do I find just the engine harness without buying from the dealer.

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welcome here...you can try local junk yards or kbabiak on the bottom of the forum's page...;)
...just remember, it is the holidays...:D

The 98 has the PATS system. I'm assuming you used the 98 computer?

No, do I need the computer from the 98 or can I get the wiring harness for a 97? What do I need for it to work?

Wait, I remember now, (this project started over a year ago and I had a friend install engine, bad decision) now I remember why I do everything myself. We tried both ECUs, one is in the Explorer and the other I found inside. How can I tell whick one is which?

if it has a sohc then the 98 sohc should fire up ok. you should use the ecu from the new engine with it though. check the crank sensor is working, then check for spark, then check for fuel, then check compression, then comparative compression on the 5 on the easy to get to cyl's. If you have fuel + spark + compression, then you must have a major timing problem due to incorrect sensor of missing harness connection etc.
