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More engine problems (V6)


Well-Known Member
December 23, 2008
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City, State
West Friendship, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer XLT
Pulled my plugs again...the platinums I put in 5000 miles ago....reddish/purple and burnt on the ends. The little "teet" on the electrode is wasted away on all 6.

I stuck copper's back in see what will happen. Its ran great for the first 100 miles I drove its sputtering again. I was backin up at like 10mph and the thing jerked 3 times and choked out. Then fired back up and was fine. Ill pull these new plugs tommrow...with only 150 miles on see what I find. What should I find? ie ...what looks like brand new on the on the end?

Any ideas?
Someone mentioned maybe fuel vacuum line or fuel pressure regulator could cause this?


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Alright...yanked the plugs check on them...there white and ashy looking, with no buildup on them. I checked my haynes and it looks like there "too hot"....what should I do next?


update: The plugs had fuel on them about 1/2 way up the could tell it was gas. Is that normal?

I'm not sure where the fuel pressure regulator is. But it's usually connected to the fuel rail on top of the engine and has a small plastic hose or line cennected to it. Check that and see if there's fuel in the line. If so, it could be bad. Possibly a ignition problem. I do the simple things first like checking for vacuum leaks around the intake. A vacuum leak can cause rich or lean running. Also, get some electrical cleaner and spray the MAF sensor to get rid of any grime or dirt buildup. A dirty maf can clause poor running. I also get a code scanner and check if there's any codes present or stored. Lastly, I disconnect the battery and reset the computer.

Lastly, you heard this a million times already, but get rid of that tornado. Try to get everything back to stock before diagnosing the problem.

Alright. Sounds good. I do have a code reader..and the only codes I get are random misfire codes when the plugs go bad. Nothing besides that. And how do I checked for vacuum leaks? Start it and spray water on teh vacuum lines?

And tornado is gone. Forgot to take it out of my signature.

Alittle soapy water while the truck is running.

try motorcraft plugs also check the fuel pressure and check the air filter might elso change the fuel filter as well it can be number of reasons i always used brake cleaner around the hoses be carfull around the spark plug wires if you have a bad one it will cause a fire if you try it be safe about it

Ya. Ive got motorcraft plugs in with new wires. New air filter and fuel filter. Im guessing the vacuum leak might be spot on..ill check tommrow.


checked for vacuum leaks..nothing.

anyone know where the fuel pressure regulator is? Or should I just give in and pay the dealer for the diagnostic?

Ya. Ive got motorcraft plugs in with new wires. New air filter and fuel filter. Im guessing the vacuum leak might be spot on..ill check tommrow.

Verify the Motorcraft Plug number with your factory spec book. Most charts at parts store are not accurate for the 4.0 SOHC engine.

I looked in the factory says...

"See your authorized dealer for spark plug changes at scheduled maintence intervals"

help alot...haha good ol ford.

I looked in the factory says...

"See your authorized dealer for spark plug changes at scheduled maintence intervals"

help alot...haha good ol ford.
In your "Owners Guide" under "specifcations & capacities" it (should) reference the spark plug "part number"

This is a copy of it...take a look.


This is a copy of it...take a look.

That's shi***. I know motorcraft changer their numbering system and maybe affected your spec book. I'd call 2 different dealership's parts departments and see if you get same part number. If you go to this link and insert your vin number it might give you the info ? Mine is covered but it's a 2002 ranger. Good Luck!

thanks. Ya its definitly some shi*. i guess ill go ahead and call the dealers to check for part number.
