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Engine hesitates with accelerator push...

I should have probably stated that all information pertains to the SOHC only, sorry!

we didn't get the 5.0 down here...

Probably should have stated also, that I was only referring to Australian Explorers, sorry again!


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Same problem - with a twist!


Up until a month ago I had a 4.0 SOHC X that performed really well, smooth to drive, oodles of power. I then had it converted to run dual fuel to try and save a few quid on Petrol. She now has both a Petrol system and an LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) fuel system. Problem is, you've guessed it, having spent nearly £2500 on the fuel system conversion the car now drives like a dog! The twist is only when running on LPG, on Petrol she runs (pretty much) as well as I remember previously.

The problem I have is the same as you guys, poor response to throttle depression. Pulling away from a standstill the rpm drops, the truck shakes a bit and then pulls away. Sometimes, depending on engine temperature, the drop in RPM will result in a stall. Similarly, in the cruise, if you put your foot down hard the power doesn't come in (no kickdown) and generally engine response/power is rubbish.

She's been back to the converter twice who has fiddled with the ECU mappings (I have a CEL on by the way) and lastly replaced the IAV but the problem is still there with poor power take-up.

What I don''t understand, and maybe this will help with the diagnosis, is that on Petrol she runs OK, why do I only get these problems which sound sensor related when I run on gas - given the petrol system uses the self same sensors!!????

Any clues gratefully received as usual.

Good luck to everyone with this problem, it's a real pig isn't it!!!


- Andy.


OK BRIT X i don't know as much as these other guy's but when i enquired about an LPG duel fuel system on my "X" it was a big said to me "NO""NO""NO" as these are a big problem for the "X" 's i don't know why but it won't take the LPG and no one wanted to touch it witha 10ft pole!!!!
sorry but you could have made a big mistake !
WE have these Hesitation problem's on regular PETROL but what you are describing is absolutely normal for an "X" when it is running on LPG anyway that is what i was told buy several LPG company's here in AUSTRALIA!!!!

.....you're not making me feel any better!


Interesting what you say - the installer I used says he's converted many Explorers to LPG with great success, he even uses Expolorer owners as references for his work!!

I'd be interested to hear the reasoning behind your guys comments???

Can't imagine why LPG would be fine for every other truck but not an "X"! Anyway, so far your story seems to tally with my experience!!

- A.

Brit Ex,

I'm in Australia too, and have often wondered about converting my Ex.

When I spoke to converters here, they always said that the prob with explorers is they use a plastic part (can't remember the name) where most other cars use a metal equivalent. Don't know if this is what VBtruk has heard, but that's my account of it.

I've heard of no ex's down here that have been converted.


Mmmm, interesting....

Hi Meaty,

I wonder what part that is......anyway, since my last post the vehicle's now back with the installer for a thorough once over, he seems to think it could be to do with a sensitivity adjustment (I assume related to the throttle position sensor).

Anyway, will keep you posted.

I hope you guys are wrong on this, otherwise I will have made a very costly mistake


How's that Chimera? That is one kick ass car...I remember reading a review of it years ago...before I could drive...all those TVR vehicles are awesome...

Good luck with the Ex problem though, keep us informed.


Hi again BK,

Yep the "Chim" is fabulous thanks, and "awesome" is the right word, the performance is astonishing - as it happens just got in from a blast around the countryside in her (a lovely day here for a change!). The V8 was sounding fantastic. Some pics of the car on my website at:


if you're interested.....

All the best,

- Andy

Glad I found this thread...I know my tranny fluid needs changing, but there has been an unusual hesitation in my truck since I put in those Bosch plug wires-I think I'll change them out and see if my problem goes away. Thanks JD!

I said I'd keep you posted on the LPG conversion problems I've been having on my Ex. Well at long last, after 4 months of continuing problems, the vehicle is now 99% of what it was on Petrol before the conversion. No hesitation thanks to an additional stepper motor and very rare stalls (so far) just after the car switches from Petrol to Gas (LPG) - given LPG is half the price of Petrol here I think I can live with her once again.

I'm now happy with my LPG dual fual Explorer, however, any more brits out there, I would not advise you to get it done. The hassle I've had to get to this point has not been worth it.

You have been warned!

Cheers all,

- Andy.

Hey just to let you knoe that i took off the pod filter and bought the k&n flat panel replacement filter and put a 3" pipe from the bottom of the bull bar upto the bottom of the air box and i find that it run's beter than it did with the POD filter it does'nt hesitate like it used to and still run's quite well but won't pull as hard through the high rev's.

Had the same prob but worse.

My Timing was definitely off. Apparently the camshaft slipped and turned by 60 degrees. Causing the cylinders to miss on the drivers side. 4,5,& 6 were misfiring and causing lean fuel to burn which ruined my catalytic converters. SOHC has three timing chains. The front chain was good, which I thought had slipped, but the one right behind it needed to be adjusted by 3 tooth sprockets. While I had the valve cover off, I noticed the camshaft was off. The bolt to it was not tighten and there was NO pin to keep it in place. Had to drill my own hole and stick a little pin in to keep in place along with welding glue. I have no idea how Ford makes this crap along with no timing marks?! The Haines Ford Rangers book will show you where the TDC mark is by going 6 marks over. Thats right, 6 sprokets over to the left and mark it so you know where top dead center is for your #1 cylinder head is on the passenger side valves. I was having low compression of under 100 on the drivers side which I believe is bank one. Passenger side was 160. Now I have equal compression of 160 on both sides. What a pain in the ass this has been ! Forget about going to the library reference section to find out about timing this engine when it slips cause there's nothing written on this kind of situation

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