Engine stalled twice in same wek !! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine stalled twice in same wek !!


New Member
February 24, 1999
Reaction score
Engine keeps stalling !

I have a 1994 4wd , automatic that I have had nearly 112,000 miles of trouble free driving. It has received it's regular tune-ups , oil changes and other services.
In the last week "Big Green" has betrayed my trust twice and has stalled for no apparent reason .In both cases the Explorer had been running normally , with plenty of gas in the tank and no CHECK ENGINE light. I was just going about 35 when it started to slow down, so I pressed down on the pedal and it continued to slow down. I pulled off to the side of the ride where the engine slowly coughed until it died, still no engine light. It did it again just this evening. After the engine died I tried to restart it and it turned over incredibly fast but did not start. I wait and tried about every thirty seconds to see what happens, then out of the blue it lights right up and takes off running.
Recently the thermostat was replaced, some vacuum lines were replaced as well as a new belt was put on by the dealer. I have checked electrical connectors around the engine for tightness , checked for vacuum leaks and made sure that everything is where it's supposed to be . This has got me stumped ! If it keep sthis up I am going to trade it FAST !

Dan Beers
1994 XLT 4X4

[Edited by DBExplorin on 12-08-2000 at 11:46 PM]

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Im gunna put 1 dollah on the MAS.... But I really dont know. :)


Mass Air

Also sound to me like the Mass Air sensor. Try to pull it off and clean it with gumout. I do mine when the idle fluters and it has always fixed it.

Mas, Maf

call it what you want I would bet on it too!!! Clean and try is the only way to tell, without spending extra cash on a test!!

Wow. I rock. and I know stuff.
