Exploder Vs. Mustang | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Exploder Vs. Mustang

not much on me, but a while ago i was going through traffic and a mustang cut me off, then traffic stopped and he stopped and i didn't. i ended up ushing the mustang into the excort in front of him.


all that happened to me was it busted my other foglight.
the lines in the bumper are actually cut, not scratched. the guy in the mustang said he needs a bumper like that, and when the cop walked up he said "well, i can tell what hit"

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LOL i was looking at that mustang for the longest wondering how the hell you could make make damage like that:dunno: .... Precisely cutting the bumper like that. Then i realised you had one of those "honda catchers" on the front. I heard that those can actually cause more damage to the car since their attached to the frame.

"honda catchers" haha. my friend actually caught a honda one time. When he put his truck in reverse, the civic went with the truck.

my old grocery manager was riding with a friend in his ram with a winch when a BMW ran the light in front of them. they hit the pass. door. when they backed up, they took the door off with them. they could not get the thing off, either, so the guy got pissed and said just keep it. the cop that arrived helped them secure it in place and make sure it didn't block signals or anything so it was legal, and they left. punch line is they were headed to a church camp, show up 2 hours late with a bimmer door on the front like a trophy buck.

my old grocery manager was riding with a friend in his ram with a winch when a BMW ran the light in front of them. they hit the pass. door. when they backed up, they took the door off with them. they could not get the thing off, either, so the guy got pissed and said just keep it. the cop that arrived helped them secure it in place and make sure it didn't block signals or anything so it was legal, and they left. punch line is they were headed to a church camp, show up 2 hours late with a bimmer door on the front like a trophy buck.

hahahahahha!!!! great story :hammer:

LOL, thats amazing!!

Great story about your old manager, bet they got some funny looks when they pulled up.....................Lmao :):)
