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Explorer dead

Let's start over.

So what appears to be happening is that your battery (after being charged) will allow your truck to start and run, but the alternator does not charge the battery. Typically when this happens the BATT/CHG light is lit on the dash and remains on once the engine is started. The BATT/CHG light being on tells you that you're running on battery power only. A vehicle can go for a couple of days (depending on electrical usage) running on just the battery, but eventually the battery voltage becomes too low and the vehicle stops running.

The BATT/CHG light on the dash receives 12V power when the key is turned to ON and will remain ON until the engine is started. The ground side of the BATT/CHG light goes to the alternator's voltage regulator. Once the engine is running the alternator should be switched ON, the battery begins charging and the voltage regulator interrupts the ground for the BATT/CHG light turning the light off.

The large terminal on the back of the alternator is the "B" terminal. With your engine running, take your multi-meter (set to DC) positive lead and attach it to the "B" terminal on the alternator. Take the multi-meter's negative lead and ground it (the best ground is the battery's negative terminal). If you alternator is charging you should see around 14.6 volts on your multi-meter. If you do, your alternator is on and charging as it should, but the charge is not making it's way back to the battery. This indicates some sort of wiring/fuse issue. If you see around 12V at the "B" terminal, your alternator is not ON, not charging and what you're seeing is battery voltage.

Please perform the above tests and tell me what you're seeing.

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Since you mention the intake swap thing-
unbolt the large square connector right over the intake against the firewall, look for bent pins and plug it back together.

Sorry i havent responded,Had some family emergencies come up.

Ok so took it back to the mechanic and he said it was a fuse off the alternator. Got it almost home and noticed the dash didnt work at all, including the radio. The gauges didnt work, the speedometer or tachometer not working. For some reason the radio fuse was missing. So once it was back in,the radio works.
I have checked all the fuses on the side of the dash and all are working. I need to check the diagram (Getting those now)and make sure all the fuses are there before going on to other issues it might be. Ill get those in tomorrow (Sunday 9/24) and reply back with whats going on

A vehicle cannot run on battery power for a few days. The fuel pump and injectors and ignition will kill it in very short order.

A vehicle cannot run on battery power for a few days. The fuel pump and injectors and ignition will kill it in very short order.

You're correct. I wasn't thinking about all the electrical stuff on fuel injected vehicles. I was recalling doing this with old non FI vehicles with little to no electronics and manually operated fuel pumps.

As your radio fuse was missing after your trip to the mechanic, he was probably pulling and replacing fuses in his attempt to find the problem. Now your faced with trying to figure out which fuse(s) may have been put in the wrong spot. I had a similar problem with one of my Mountaineers when I bought it. Turned out a fuse was missing which controlled a bunch of unrelated stuff and even the owner's manual didn't help me to figure it out. When I finally figured it out and populated the missing slot, everything started working as it should.

I found the diagram and will start putting fuses in tomorrow sometime. But it ran for 2 hours and didn't shut off so that's a good thing. I sure appreciate everyone helping me. You've ask been helpful and able to keep it in layman terms

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Also a problem that I currently have Is check for voltage drop at your alternator could be bad ground straps on engine or mount needs to be cleaned .

So i replaced (Added actually) a few fuses in the side dash and it is all working now. Im done with this thing and ready to sell it. Thanks everyone

It's a 99. Besides this charging issue, what other problems have you had?

Just the regular wear and tear stuff. But I've put over 1500 in it and kbb isn't worth half that. I feel like I'm waiting on the other shoe to drop

If it's a running driving vehicle and doesn't look
Like garbage it's worth more than 750. Any 20 year old vehicle is bound to need stuff. If it's a SOHC I'd dump it. If you aren't looking to spend money on repairs I'd look for a near new vehicle with a warranty that matches the payment term.

I have already purchased another car. Got a 2017 Chevy trax

EDIT: sorry posted in the wrong thread

Wow I feel slow, that was a link at the bottom of you post. Like I said trying to navigate the new look. In my defense I thought that was your signature. Thank you brother!

Still in hawaii…still missing it here. I was able to go back a yr or 2 ago for a wedding, much needed but it's about that time again
