expo5.0 (watts up! customs) | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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expo5.0 (watts up! customs)

Originally posted by Garth
I am thinking that you might want to cover the entire grill in material. It would be molded to the bottom of the grill.

The engine would have a hell of a time trying to keep cool if you cover the grill...its there for a reason....

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Not as a blockout but by following the contures. The same way he did the bumper and leaving all the openings open.

for now i'm working on the system for a while- expect to see work on the bumper/grille over christmas and the system finished completely then also

By covering the grill with same fabric(thingy)you can then cut out the vertical bars and install the speed grill or the ssin its stead. woohoo.

Just wondering if you have any pics of the center console completed, looks like it has been awhile for any posts. Thanks
