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Fan Clutch Tool


October 23, 2006
City, State
West Lafayette, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 SOHC XLT 4WD 140K
I have a 2001 SOHC Explorer and I was trying to removed the fan today. I borrowed a tool kit from Autozone and it says it works for 1997 and up Explorers. Well the kit has two wrenches in it, the smallest being a 40mm. It was still too big to fit the fan clutch nut. Anyone else have this issue? What is actual size that I need? Thanks for the help.

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That's my next step tomorrow. Where do those "H" looking things go to hold the pulley. Does it slide over the bolts?

I bought the amco tool kit which is probably the same thing you got rented and it works fine....I think I used a 10mm box wrench or something to hold the fan so it wouldn't spin. Actually you shouldn't have to have anything hold it because the belt on the water pump should hold things from spinning.

Most of the time the belt will be enough pressure.
What I did one day was cut up a bunch of wrenches and drilled a pilot hole, then used my air hammer with a 2 foot center punch...you could even hold the pully with your hand and the fan would come off in a flash

OK, went to purchase a large cresent wrench yesterday and it is a no go. The wrench is too wide to fit between the space provided by the pulley bolts on the engine side and the fan bolts on the radiator side. There is not that much space to get the wrench in there. Talk about frustrating. I had to drink a beer after that one. I'm going to Sears tonight to get a 38mm wrench. Cross your fingers.

OK, I'm an idiot. I'll admit it. I was just too frustrated yesterday to think about removing two of the bolts from the fan clutch to make room for my cresent wrench. All I can say is, "Duh". Thanks guys.
