Fan clutch wobbles on water pump, 5.0 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fan clutch wobbles on water pump, 5.0


High Voltage.
Elite Explorer
February 2, 2002
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Mountaineer AWD
My Mounty started squeaking today. Looking it over, I noticed the fan is wobbling on the water pump. I’m assuming this means the bearing is shot, and the water pump would need replaced?

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Fan clutch, sounds like it's about to detonate, I had one start this last year, though a 4.0 and that's what it turned out to be.

My Mounty started squeaking today. Looking it over, I noticed the fan is wobbling on the water pump. I’m assuming this means the bearing is shot, and the water pump would need replaced?

Yep. Had this exact problem on our 2000 AWD Monty 5,0L last spring. New W/P cured it.

Well, looks like I’m going car shopping.

Too bad Koda doesn't live close by...he LOVES helping replace 5.0 water pumps...LOL!

Unfortunately this one won’t be getting replaced any time soon.

Just get a SOHC, there's nothing quite like one...:censored::censored:

Too bad Koda doesn't live close by...he LOVES helping replace 5.0 water pumps...LOL!

For sure. I'd be happy to give you my mechanic's phone number for that job.

My Mounty started squeaking today. Looking it over, I noticed the fan is wobbling on the water pump. I’m assuming this means the bearing is shot, and the water pump would need replaced?

Sorry to hear that, those front of engine parts are all big projects to fix. I've got a bunch of new parts for mine I put off doing over a year ago. My fan has several cracks in it, and I've been expecting some issue soon. Fix yours if you can, or find someone who likes a challenge to do it.

Unfortunately I’m living away from home and have no access to a place I can work on it. Also, as much as I drive I can’t justify an $800 repair on a vehicle that gets 15mpg. Sad to say, but this will be the end for this Mounty for quite awhile.

Unfortunately I’m living away from home and have no access to a place I can work on it. Also, as much as I drive I can’t justify an $800 repair on a vehicle that gets 15mpg. Sad to say, but this will be the end for this Mounty for quite awhile.
?? $800 to replace either a fan clutch or water pump? By grasping the fan blade at opposite sides and bending back and forth, it should be possible to see exactly where the "play" is occurring, fan clutch or water pump shaft. If clutch, very easy fix. Pump less so. Cannot imagine $800. imp

I understand, it's not a simple task like older cars you can get the radiator out of in 15-20 minutes. Check the fan clutch to be sure it's actually the WP, imp is right that the clutch could be done in half an hour if the special fan tools work right.

I think the parts up front there were reasonable. The fan and clutch about $90, WP about $75, radiator is near $150, hoses and pulleys under $100, belt tensioner $55ish, timing chain set $45, and front seal under $15. I might do the balancer also if it was a longer term engine, hell I might ought to do that too(now that I think about it). The labor is the big part.

?? $800 to replace either a fan clutch or water pump? By grasping the fan blade at opposite sides and bending back and forth, it should be possible to see exactly where the "play" is occurring, fan clutch or water pump shaft. If clutch, very easy fix. Pump less so. Cannot imagine $800. imp
Shop labor to replace the water pump is $500+

Boom. Always check yelp. I found a mom and pop shop where I’m at, with excellent reviews, that will replace it for $400, including the parts. I’m not sure what quality of pump it will be, but I’ll upgrade it to the Motorcraft one for whatever the mark up is. Of course, he said there may be other items that need replaced like the hoses, but I asked about broken bolts, and studs, and he said that’d be included in the $400.

Sounds good. Tell them to take their time with the bolts they take from the WP. Those are the big deal for a repair job you need done quick.

Shop labor to replace the water pump is $500+

$500-$800? Ouch! I bought a Gates W/P on eBay ($46), supplied the antifreeze and my mechanic (older local guy who has his own shop and works alone) quoted me $125 to install it. The radiator doesn't necessarily need to come out to change the pump. I asked him if he had any problems with it and he said no. You could drive to GA and stay in a motel overnight and it wouldn't cost you $500. When I did the W/P on one of our other 5.0's, all the bolts came out w/out too much trouble except for one. That last bolt wouldn't budge no matter what I tried and the head eventually rounded off. What a nightmare. I vowed right there I'd never do another 5.0L W/P.

I think it’s so high since most shops know the likelihood of broken bolts is fair. If they quote you high there is no hard feelings when it’s expensive. If I were home I am sure I could get it done even cheaper. However, with the weather play on the fan ( easily 1/4” at the snout) I’d be leery to drive it any distance.

I just got off he phone with him, the pump he was going to use is a Napa true flow (retails for $69). It includes all fluids, gaskets, new bolts, and as my first time there I got a complimentary oil change and tire rotation. Quoted $369, and would upgrade to a motorcraft pump and install a new sync drive for $400. I’m sold.

Also, it would cost over $200 just to drive to Georgia, LOL.

I think it’s so high since most shops know the likelihood of broken bolts is fair. If they quote you high there is no hard feelings when it’s expensive. If I were home I am sure I could get it done even cheaper. However, with the weather play on the fan ( easily 1/4” at the snout) I’d be leery to drive it any distance.

I just got off he phone with him, the pump he was going to use is a Napa true flow (retails for $69). It includes all fluids, gaskets, new bolts, and as my first time there I got a complimentary oil change and tire rotation. Quoted $369, and would upgrade to a motorcraft pump and install a new sync drive for $400. I’m sold.
The trouble with this task is that occasionally (often?) the bolts weld themselves to the aluminum timing cover, and R&R'ing that is a totally different ball game. Let us know how it went.
For whatever reason Ford stuck to this ancient design of the fan attached to the water pump and the whole heavy and not so-well balanced mess, pulled down by the belt, sitting on top of the thin aluminum timing cover, for half a century. They finally got it right with the "modular" V8 (though, being Ford, they created a new problem with plugs shooting out).

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The trouble with this task is that occasionally (often?) the bolts weld themselves to the aluminum timing cover, and R&R'ing that is a totally different ball game. Let us know how it went.
For whatever reason Ford stuck to this ancient design of the fan attached to the water pump and the whole heavy and not so-well balanced mess, pulled down by the belt, sitting on top of the thin aluminum timing cover, for half a century. They finally got it right with the "modular" V8 (though, being Ford, they created a new problem with plugs shooting out).

What, you don't think four threads is enough to hold in a spark plug?
