frozen mud . beware ! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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frozen mud . beware !

Ground looked fine.almost easily passable....then boom, collapsed..

Not sure what forum to put this in. interesting nonetheless. brother in law went out to help free a stuck jeep, with his dodge ram.. backing down to to it, the ground just collapsed. a lifted 95 bronco showed up, tried to help. same thing. a tow truck was called. fell in also. biggest offroad disaster i ever saw. eventually, a giant wrecker was called in to get the dodge out. dragged it 4 feet, and severeley damaged the front suspension of the original rescue dodge. wouldnt pop out. big ice blocks really messed it up.

eventually a backhoe was called in, picked up, and dragged the dodge out. yes the right front wheel is hangin there...terrible



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WOW:eek: Great pics and a good lesson learned! This should be in the whoops thread!

Wow...damn that sucks, sorry man. Will insurance cover that kind of damage?


hes got it in the shop now getting an estimate. once he finds out the cost, he is going to decide whether or not to try a claim. at a glance, the right spindle snapped off, right front ball joint might be broke, bent steering rod, and some other steering bar up front is bent. all that happened the night before when the giant wrecker pulled hard , maybe 4 feet. they heard stuff breaking so they stopped. had they kept going, this truck woulda been destroyed...they broke several tow straps, a steel tow cable rated at 30k lbs too...on the way out, he clipped a tree and dented the front panel. and the tow hooks are bent. the good news is the kid who owns the jeep, his father payed for the recovery. very cool of him.

i never seen mud like this. it looked utterly passable. ended up with 4 vehicles stuck at one point. just a wierd NJ scum swamp haha

personally, for me, it was alot more interesting than a day in the ol cubicle haha


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damn lol

Ouch. Another lesson. If that happens to you get the backhoe to pick it up and drag it out first. Instead of just trying to yank it out with brute force.

yeah that wasn't smart on the tow truck operators part...but that is a hard lesson a lift kit....:p


yep. the wrecker operator prob shoulda known better. my brother in law doesnt really offroad....i guess they all underestimated the ice pack. it was midnight and the wrecker crew was getting irritated fromt he first broken cable also.


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wow....yeah there was a thread earlier about a truck getting frozen into mud...

I can't believe they thought yanking on the Dodge like that was a good idea, even my sister would realize that's a horrible idea. Hope everything goes well for him with the repairs.

They don't call it dirty Jersey for nothing ;)

where is this?


washington township, south jersey. and the repairs are up around 10k. couple thousand more and it woulda been totalled. they replaced most of the suspension in front, the steering stuff, both front rims and tires, and there was some transmission damage. a front right quarter panel and the top part of the dash replaced also, was cracked from twisting i think.

WOW all that damage from her not being pulled out properly...OUCH.

Wow....thats why I neevr realy go into any deep mud, thats what Im worried about happening.

well their is 2 problems here...1. Its Dodge;) And #2. it aint a 3500 with a cummins....

Dang...That sucks. haha That's why I always watch someone else try mudding in the winter first. :p

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