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Fuse keeps blowing


New Member
May 27, 2009
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City, State
San Antonio Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Ranger
I have a 1998 Ranger, automatic transmission. When I turn the key over to crank the engine, the number 24 fuse in the fuse panel blows and the ingnition goes dead. According to the owners manuel, this is the clutch pedal position switch, starter interupt relay and anit theft fuse. I dont have a clutch pedal so that rules that out. Has anyone delt with this problem or know specifically where to look to fix this problem? Thanks

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No one can help me with this?

I had a problem like that on one of my fuses. It was time taking but I traced back the wire from every component that it supplied power until I found the dead short. In my case the fuse fed only two things. And it turned out to be a wire that had hit the hot header pipe and grounded itself there. This was a large wire and blew a 100 amp breaker style fuse. Every time I reset the fuse it blew.
Since I re-wired my whole B2 I had all wires marked coming from my fuse panel.

You might also be able to use a continuity meter to see if you have a power wire that is making ground to the frame somehow.

Seems like the common purpose of things on that circuit is powering the solenoid to engage the starter (and keeping you from engaging it if the alarm is triggered or clutch not pressed in)

Check for a short in the wiring leading to the starter solenoid or the starter solenoid itself. Try unplugging the thin wire from the solenoid and turning the key, see if the fuse still pops.
